The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Eagle (To Be Read Aloud with Vigor)

Fastly, swiftly, we run our race

The fire burns as we keep up the pace

Fly across the sky at night

An eagle flying in the red twilight

Then slow ---

Slow we flow

Slow like water

Slow like snow

How'd you know what your life's about

Up and down and in and out

Never stop and never go

The river's rest is slow to come

The eagle's nest is hidden from

The eagle's si...

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eaglenature.poems on spirituality

Balance Number 1

Beauty is as beauty does

What beauty does

We know

Strength brings strength

In exercise

A healthy gainful glow

Beauty cannot live within

If it has no strength to grow

Strength cannot live within

Where beauty is not known

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Introduction to Love

My love for you wells up from


A feeling indescript

A warmth rising from the heart

A rush of oxytocin through the


Immediate and pressing

Without urgency or smothering

Felt from my legs to my


And in every chakra the yoga-doers tell us of

From the crown above my head

To the root they speak of in awkward Puritanical tones

Tones we do not need, m...

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lovelove makingsexsexualityspirituality

PAGAN THE NIGHT - Vision the First

Blue lights sparkle quaintly amidst the
Glowing dawn
The fire burns as we stand above and
The Horned One looks on
The scales were tipped, Anubis spake
Despite your small complaint
Your protests unheard, your pointless
And Ammut smiled and ate
And now above the flames you
Fear fills your once-proud eyes
“Will you leap?” The Horned One asks
And to the gods’ surprise
You swa...

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spiritualityPagan Poetrydreams

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