The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

Did "Like"

I can honestly say thatthis is a pet hate of mine.  i do not have many, thank goodness, but this really gets me going. 

Dis “Like”


There’s a little word I love and use,

That recently is being abused. 

Out of context, it sounds absurd,

Miss-usage of this lovely word. 

I use it when I want to say,

That things are nice in every way. 

It’s also handy when you see,


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Did "Like"

I can honestly say thatthis is a pet hate of mine.  i do not have many, thank goodness, but this really gets me going. 

Dis “Like”


There’s a little word I love and use,

That recently is being abused. 

Out of context, it sounds absurd,

Miss-usage of this lovely word. 

I use it when I want to say,

That things are nice in every way. 

It’s also handy when you see,


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Two Tribes

Two Tribes


A tribal conversion,

Line-out and scrums.

Thundering thighs,

And a union of bums.


Jock-strapping tackles,

Drop-kicks and falls.

Birley brave forwards

With oval shaped balls.


Hands shaped like shovels

Barrel sized chests

Pitch-perfect anthems,,

Lines-men in vest’s.


Haka and hookers,

Scrum-half and prop,

Lock in to combat


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by Helen D. Kennedy


I’ve always been a “dippy” girl

Muddled  and confused.,

Adorably forgetful,

Befuddled and bemused.

And now I’m in my “dotage”,

Confusion will ensue.

I remember fifty years ago,

But I don’t remember you.

I remember childhood parties,

Rock pooling on the shore,

I recall tall tales on daddy‘s lap

Ponies, dogs galore.

I rememb...

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