The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.


How un-modeled of me to have taken so long

Spontaneous, I should be that one thing alone
I could only imagine the greatness of being plush bears
But couldn't you say that I had the same tone
That there's the same thing between our arms
Which allows me to say this corny as line, like: This the perfect case of when it's ok to bear arms
Polyphonic with the verbs, polyamorous concurred
This i...

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Here's to super liking and losing super track of time
Here's to traffic trapping due to crashes of text of ours
That license but paused, put that information on this card
This lifestyle so tender, hardly caring why you on tinder at all
Other than damn girl I'm glad you are, you can tell from the stars
So just how good you are? Oh, my apologies:
Hello, are things good where you are?

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Tall, lean and with muscled language
Nutritional with the phrasing
Vines sprouting, with coconut fragrance
High on lateral arrangements
Hi, this here's the next step on the ladder
Steps for that music no need for the bottle
Criteria I've bombed them
Telling for the return
Slayer of retail
KT, well you're bomb damn
How about I bring it to the small stage.

I lack the snap, but unstack t...

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Morning soap

Seven to Eleven nice little monkeys in the barrel
Victims of victims, monkeys in the middle
Many a selection, skills form hyper attention
Invisible instructions, to receive your cookies paste to memory
Conventionally chase good labels by merely being
Good little children, in fact here's another cookie for mirroring

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Backwards mind

Reverse psychology that pro-tobacco, when recruiting black market take no risk, just ribbon the brand easiest on the tongue, menthol, Jordan, Trojan, say it makes you the hardest, reruns of a nigga in some swoops, a cancer in them streets with cancer in them lungs, that black on black, Benz, rims, tint, a nine to the skull if caught slippin', so irrelevant the reaction to the crime is "yeah that s...

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Hit the homes of the less, Hit the SCUM of the projects, Drop a few bombs in the Sub Culture Urban Market, target the future smokers, smoke the future dealers, pull up in them vans, hand out vans and a few packs of cigs, Fact 79 the name of the game, selling the idea of a pack newports, over the idea of packing for cruises to lands on new ports, grandmamas got them, baby cousins watchin', second h...

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