The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Story of my Daydreams

They came back
But the fantasy was gone

They were alive only at night
Frightened of daylight
Moon captured them as the stars

If you saw the stars tonight
Then know
They were my dreams once
Now all I have is ashes
Not from smoked cigarettes or burned houses
But from my bones
What became broken
While my heart was trying to escape.

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Hidden truth

Rain drops on the window
Love greets grief
Storm inside will not stop
Washing away the sense of life

Wonders were watching
While heart just screamed
Many words came out
But the time had it own rules
Life didn't stop for a second

It is fine
You wasn't so emotional
Your heart didn't beat so fast
You didn't feel so deep
Those depths didn't eat you over
They didn't swallow you
You w...

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Something lost

Plants were green as a glory
Found in the deepest forests
Feelings were taken over
Confusion was left alone in the dark
Just a glance
Would never be enough

Flesh should have been stronger
It couldn't run with the light
Many words have been left unsaid
Therefore, circumstances turned
Into unexpected fantasy

Suspisious silence knocked at the door
It put fading signs on the paper

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Saying Goodbye

Moonlight was the brightest star
Shame in your eyes
Has never been so bright
When the dawn came crashing in
The darkness waved goodbye

Whispers were loud
Walls were teared down
Glass was shattered
My feeling were flowing away
The mess in your eyes
It felt like unknown memory

Your guilty look at happiness
Hands empty with no touch
Fly away and forget the glance
And the time to wak...

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