Welcome October
It was a cold and crisp evening,
9:30pm and the full moon shone down
brightly on my path,
Guiding me,
As my feet crunched through
fallen scattered leaves.
A sharp chill filled the air
And the smell of wood burning brought me
back to the good aul days.
If I had just awoken from a coma I
would have known for certain that it
was Autumn.
Amber lea...
Monday 28th September 2020 2:55 pm
Show me the way to go home
Blue fire,
Like Sapphire.
Those eyes, so large and so lost.
I greet her with a smile and say,
Good morning my dear.
How are you on this fine Tuesday?
Oh, hello love.
She smiles back at me and says,
I'm good,
And how are you,
Are you well?
I must say, don’t you look absolutely beautiful today.
Where am I going?
Am I going the right way?
Wednesday 1st April 2020 6:11 pm
The observer
She usually sat alone, Sitting away from the crowds.
She watched how the dribbles dropped down from the mouth of the one who spoke too often.
The weakest one.
Sunday 29th March 2020 11:05 pm
The whole of me
Tell me what I want to hear,
Reassure me,
Kissing away my fear and doubt.
Tell me I'm the one you need,
The one you want,
The one you can't live without.
Have fun with my body,
Play games with my mind,
Then discard the whole of me.
Saturday 28th March 2020 11:27 pm
He bravely unearthed a side of me that had never been reached before.
Dormant avenues that I never even knew existed, blossomed gently in time,
Just like the opening of a wild flower in Spring.
Stimulating my mind whilst gently arousing my curiosity.
Challenging me,
I wanted him to explore me some more.
And he did.
Saturday 28th March 2020 11:02 pm
Yellow green iris
Soft petals fell from her yellow
green iris.
No sound could be heard as her petals
fell silent.
A deep breath of air cleared some
thorns deep inside her.
Both feet hit the ground like a song
drunk on cider.
She stood tall like a tree,
Showing strength and desire.
Fire roared while sharp pain
stabbed deeply inside her.
Wild flames blazed the thorns
Monday 23rd March 2020 2:38 am
Dedicated to my Mother (Happy Mother's Day)
Happy Mother's Day to the one
that I call Mam. You carried me for
9 months then put me in my pram.
You took me to the doctor when I
had measles or the flu,
you kept me safe as best you could.
You knew just what to do.
Thanks for taking care of me
when I was sick upstairs in bed.
Thank you for the crayons and books
and making sure that I was fed.
Now that I am older, I ap...
Saturday 21st March 2020 11:04 pm
The sun is out but I have to stay in. A black pen and a white piece of paper await my creative side to begin. There is no noise here inside my house.
I sit still while the chaos continues outside. I lift the black pen and I start to write. My body is calm and these four walls have been my safe space.
I have heat, clean water and fresh food in this place. This place I call, my home. How luc...
Saturday 21st March 2020 1:01 pm
Some Mother's Son
Time for bed, and turning out the
warm lamp lights.
Watching from my bedroom window,
The park is very much alive tonight.
The wind, it whistles loudly
through the rooftops and the trees.
That small old man is back again,
I see.
He sleeps in the same place in
the royal oak park in front of me.
On the wood chipped brown bench
Cold, hard and damp.
He rests his weary body for the...
Tuesday 9th July 2019 10:48 pm
Unrequited Love
Love was sent for years.
Like a fool.
Hope saving tears.
Just another pawn in this
Never ending game.
A place,
Where the Jokers rule.
Wednesday 3rd July 2019 12:28 am
I don't really have much time for sheep.
And I am not talking about the beautiful
four legged kind.
No, I am talking about the ones with two
legs, the ones who spend their entire life
fitting in with the rest of the woolly heads.
Petrified of being viewed as a black sheep
and shunned by the common flock.
What a waste of a life.
Photo taken by me. Model:...
Tuesday 2nd July 2019 10:53 pm
I stood and watched
As her hair did blow,
Like branches dancing
in the wind.
Her eyes left frozen
in an empty stare,
Leaked fond memories of the
love that once lived there.
No place left for her love to grow.
She stagnates, even in her dreams.
Her life stiffened,
like the roots buried deep beneath the one family tree.
The season pass.
The colours change, her hair f...
Friday 28th September 2018 12:59 am
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