The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

When life is but a dream

There exists a time
between sleeping and wake
when only the night owls stir
the street lights flicker to candle light
& nothing but absent thoughts whir.

Reality becomes but a stencil
as the dreamers direct their scape
the black bats cry a warning sound
2 minutes ‘til the curtain calls fate.

As all the possibles become truths -
between broken sparks that are woven together
lost begi...

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DreamsRealitytimecurtain call

Heroine: A tale of peace by piece

You wouldn't know it if you saw her. 
- The stuff of heroes and heroines -
In every step.
In every smile. 
Behind those eyes
The war is raging 
This battle came 
with a life. 

You wouldn't know it if you heard her
lilting song, a voice of peace. 
By piece she fights. 

You wouldn't know it if you joined her
The dance she walks. 

You wouldn't know it if you sensed her 
- humanity...

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Sometimes it doesn't rain. 
It pours. 

She sits and waits for her to arrive.
Spinning her only penny on the rubber 
crumbed table. 
There's a break in the clouds.  The sun is there. But it is not to be seen, not yet. 

Time has stopped.  It's just me. No more nightmare. Tremors or fears. 

Sometimes it doesn't rain. 
It pours. 

She would never have thought that what seemed the brave...

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Spirited Away

Don't ever tell me I never listened
or cared about your feelings. 
They called us soul mates, kindred spirits. 
& I always notice you, even in the little things. 

There's something in the way you move, 
You always were the clever one. 
Shifting my perspective. 
When you're here, there's a change in the air 
the density, my shape. 

My soundtrack is muted, 
in it's place there's just t...

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I the round peg, you the square hole 
We hexagon our sphere & triangle our quads
Tumbling obtusely, acutely we're a polygon 

To be regular, all the sides and angles must be the same
But these 2D shapes have curves
So as we rhombus through the parallelogram 
Square, rectangle, trapezoid 

We try to fly as a kite, 2 pairs of equal sides adjacent to each other. 

But then we find there ar...

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The truth was written on my face

We sit across the table, one facing the other
Eyes locked
Hands curled into balls
Legs poised to leap and swing my body into action 

My face is not quite as it should be, but I don't know this yet.  
I claim the hallowed innocencce of a five year old
You wear the holey cloak of adulthood, guilded with exasperation. 

'Now Emily, I'm going to ask you one more time, you won't be in trouble...

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