An hour ago
i had my heart broken an hour ago
i cried for 40 minutes
i still feel the burning sensation in my chest
almost chocked on my own tears
love isn't beautiful
love is a tragedy.
It was our anniversary yesterday,
happiest day this year
i had my heart broken an hour ago
This tears would probably never dry up
My chest would probably always hurt,
but this is the end of l...
Tuesday 3rd October 2017 12:25 am
Is it wrong to say that i love these tears
hate my fears
and avoid all cares
does it make sense to say that i love you but i cant love you
Im too in love with these tears
Im too terrified of these fears
the warmth of these drops rolling down my cheeks
the warmth of your skin on mine
palm to palm
dusk to dawn.
i dont love you anymore,
My heart is too pure for you
...Sunday 1st October 2017 12:40 am
Have you ever been so sad it almost felt like
Have you ever felt like running away,escaping
escaping from your own skin, your own life?
your soul simply leaving your body
transcend into another life
a happier life,a perfect place.
she whispers in my ear
"run away with me, take a leap of the edge and
transcend with me, come dance with me,lets go to a
happy place, ...
Wednesday 20th September 2017 11:52 pm
Today i woke up sad again
woke up feeling a bit hopeless
a bit lost.
Nothing is the way i want it,
the rain falls when i want the shine,
nothing is the way i imagined,
people arent dancing and singing in the streets
or maybe ive watched too many fairytales.
My life isnt going as planned,
They say slow and steady wins the race,
but im the biggest loser of them all.
Thursday 7th September 2017 7:19 pm
The poem of hypocrite
Been feeling like a hypocrite
Been feeling like a fool
Been loosing my self daily
Just because of you.
Been feeling so wicked
Cause of my many secrets
Needing someone to share
Needing someone to keep it
They all know I'm a lair
I know they can feel it
Messing with hearts, emotions and feelings
Meanwhile I'm giving him all the time so that he can mess with mine.
Scribbling and dragging ...
Sunday 3rd September 2017 11:30 pm
Voices in my head(pt 1)
You dance with tears in your eyes
They dont see past your peircing lies
and as each one dies
so you continue to rise.
You're playing games
but you arent bothered by fame,
and as you dance in the flames
they cant understand the games you play.
Some nights you dance alone at night
with tears in your eyes,
no music playing
trying to keep your demons at bay
Wednesday 30th August 2017 3:17 pm
Your touch is something i simply cant explain.
skin tight, skin deep, to close, i feel your breath all over me
Your warmth and moist is soaked up by my skin.
He cant take his eyes of me, Dont!
He runs his palms all over my skin, admiring all my imperfections.
As the water sowly falls, the night gets deeper,
i feel your lips on my areola
it provides such pleasure.
Youre ro...
Saturday 19th August 2017 6:56 pm
Lost entity pt 1
Lost in the world
the ways of the world are much better
much more fun,
Whats life without fun?
They dont know how wild you are
They dont see past the innocent smile.
You was lost
and beat up,
You were too wild
but you never hesitated to follow your desires,
you divided your soul from your spirit
and you could differtiate your mind from your conscience.
I can see...
Thursday 17th August 2017 3:21 pm
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