The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

When Writing Becomes Lonely

When writing becomes lonely

Your girlfriend or boyfriend, friends and family won't understand

You aren't neglecting them, you're simply just feeding your soul, doing what you love

They won't understand

You're just surviving.

When you're holed up in your spare bedroom with a computer or in the basement with a laptop, or even sitting in your car on your phone, writing for hours.


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No hard feelings

I guess I am mechanical

I am here at your leisure

Should I cause a problem

You can cast me into the garbage

I guess I am mechanical

In a way, that I will keep coming back

Like an old watch, or something that will eventually wear out ,like a phone

And die off, and none would be the wiser

Not one tear shed, and I guess I like it that way

I guess I am mechanical because


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This Place

Overwhelmed, underwhelmed,
Who knows?

Drifting, searching, overreaching

Deleting, defeating, and fleeing.

Gray and gloomy with a chance of heatwave

Disturbed dreams, and a possibility of having a thought.

Hot and cold, hanging my head in pity, putting on my mask to approach the day, with something sarcastic and witty

In my back pocket, like my weapon arsenal, my o...

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Spare Change and Thoughts

What was it about butterflies and lightning bugs that captivated us as children?

We wanted to catch them, never harm them, but hold them for a little while.

Sparks of elusive beauty? Just to take a closer look?

I don't know. I still try to catch them

Nostalgia perhaps, beating at my mind

Of a more simple life

A more simple time

Don't touch the butterfly wings, she won't be abl...

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What a Ruckus

Dead friends and dead dreams

This isn't melancholy

This is new beginnings

Fields of my memories and lightning bugs

I catch one gently, and let it go

This is how it should be

Daylight submitting to night, allowing the cascading hues of magenta to mingle with the orange and red battle.

I'll catch you one more time, and gently let you go.

You're too beautiful to be held in my ...

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This damn dog begs for food too much
He's hungry

This dog whines too much
He's old

This dog doesn't like me
He loves you

This dog keeps stepping on my toes, and he puts his paws right into my balls
He loves you

Can I give the dog some pepperoni from the pizza?
Of course

The dog is on him
I do

The dog is going blind and deaf
And I love him

The dog keeps wal...

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The world is a trend
Going back and forth
Leaning one way and then the other
Holding hearts hostage
Gripping your strings like a puppet
Driving you mad

Before media and mania
We could speak as equals
Disagree but still exist
Now we hate each other

The trends are the same but get stronger
Everything changes
But nothing really changes

The world isn't becoming cold.
The wolves are...

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French Fry, The Cat

I have nothing to say

Nothing to complain about

I've survived my nine lives

A cat enthusiast

I'll hold you if you follow me down

I have another escape but it's loud

Can't always be clever

Just don't be mean

Hold it together

And remain unseen

My cat is purring

I don't have a cat?

I guess I do now

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I wonder what you had for breakfast

Did you wonder about mine?

It's strange, yet interesting

Black coffee, a cigarette and a line

From a poem or a book to keep me in check

To wonder how you are, how you live

It's strange, yet interesting

Such an interesting world we deliver

The perspective and performance

I don't know you, but I'd love to know a sliver

Of what you've ...

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Ant Traps

One by one we hoorah

One by one we hoorah 

Searching for some scraps

Looking for a place to call home

One by one we hoorah 

When we're lonely we don't want anything 

When we're broken we'll march right into the ant traps

Lost and forgotten, I got in this cell on my own. 

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Feeding Time

A pill to focus

Some pills to be thin

A pill for appetite

Pills to the brim

Ready your cameras

The meal has arrived

A pill as the main course

Some pills on the side

A pill to wake up

A few for your slumber

This pill for pain

Might put you under

A pill to connect

A pill to destroy

A pill to accept

A pill to annoy

Do you like this poem?!?.......

A p...

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Eviction Notice

It's not that I don't like to admit

That I still think of you once in a while

The bittersweet memories cause shift

In winds that guarantee exile

I wish I could speak to you

Ask you how you have been

It's not as if you've moved away

And I may still see you again

The reason is my eviction notice

For you to vacate my mind

Even though I still think of you

Mostly all ...

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To Whom it Should Concern

She sits silent in the tacky room.
The television volume loud enough to rumble windows, the flickering light casts eerie shadows dancing around the room. She doesn't notice.

Room 304 is her home now. Not many visitors, and when they do arrive for a visit, it isn't a lengthy stay and they don't say much. Sometimes, not speaking at all. Too busy. She doesn't notice.

She wasn't always brittle....

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Breath of Life

My eyes open, I'm awake. The soft unpleasant glow of light terrifies me. Is it that time?

I can't discern any shapes in the room. I cough, the air is filled with the aroma of stale beer and cigarettes.

I roll over and rip the sheets over my head, in attempt to defy time. I cannot bring myself to look at the clock, I am too depressed to wake up, and too driven to die.

I just need those s...

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I am too sensitive for this insensitive world. I am too consistent for this inconsistency.

I wish for peace in this absolute chaos.
I wish for peace, love and happiness in this age of grandiose debauchery, lacking love or feelings.

We are lacking ideas of how to simply communicate as humans.

We are devolving into rodents, that must feed and fuck and then hibernate.

I am too alien for ...

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What Do I Care?

One step forward, 365 steps back.
The optimist in my excited, sad, sloshy brain. I care.

I poison myself with thoughts of a better way. I cling to potential, like a child clinging to thoughts of what could be, what they could be.

One slow step forward, 365 stumbling steps back. I still poison myself with this thought that nothing bad can happen to me. Yet, things seem dark and unfair. I car...

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Just Go

Take the leap and embrace the fall. We all fall. From the moment we learn to walk, we fall, inevitably. however, we have the loving cushion and subsequent embrace from our parents to shield us.

You're doing good.

Take a chance and embrace the fall, or perhaps, enjoy the fruits of your success, efforts, and the learning mechanism.

You're doing great.

Don't be scared, don't be bolted d...

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