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vietnam war (Remove filter)

a Bloody Tune in 1968

They bend him in half, bind ankles to wrists
and drop him in the 55 gallon drum,
so only his butt sticks out.

Voice 1: How they keep them lil’ skinny mo’ fuckers from totally disappearing?
Voice 2: Man, they fill them barrels halfway with rocks.

The ROKS (Republic of Korean Soldiers)
beat an early morning tune on that butt
sinking fast.

First there’s the bloody butt,
then the butt b...

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vietnam war

the Space Creep

We get stoned out on the gun.
When Brady joins us with his big head,
we crack jokes and run for cover.

Run for your lives.
The Space Creep has landed.
Hey brother, take off that head.

We hide behind sandbags
to blast the Creep with bullets, grenades
and the M72 LAW.

He stands in the middle of the gun pit,
with his hands pressed to his ears,

Come on you guys.
Cut it ...

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vietnam warwar

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