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Goddess Supreme

Goddess Supreme

We can use your guidance
to cross these troubled waters,
beneath the gathering clouds.

Appear as a tempest or a dry leaf
crashing to the forest floor,
but come to mend hearts.

May our discord cease
and your joy pour forth,
melding light with night.

Help us accept life and death,
to know love connects all hearts
as one, and to Be Hear Now.


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a person who is among the first to explore
or settle a new country or area.

a person who moves with a group of others
to live in a new country or area.

The first pioneers to this land mass, arrived here
(it is estimated)
between 25,000 and 12,000 years ago.

They were the ancestors of the people,
because of geographical errors,
we have named American Indians.


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Kool Aid

Kool Aid

We laugh and say,
'they drank the Kool Aid'.

Others look at us and say,
'they drank the Kool Aid'.

I laugh and say,
'there's a lotta Kool Aid
out there'.

Kids today say,
'no more Kool Aid'.

'Let's help each other
and save the planet.'


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mere illusions.

mere illusions.

Fear is a dark tool
than the valley of death.

We know death lives
between this and the next

Life rises and fades
on each inhale
and exhale.

Between in and out
day and night
death is present.

Let us know
dark tools and valleys
deep are mere illusions.


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a New error

a New error

oops! cut the wrong artery
said a very crazy thing
swam out too far

don't blame me
blame me if you want
Who, me?

erase delete strike error
from the history book
of more stories
to come.

[wrong doing
right doing
any doing]

Be a present
of all that is


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the Balance

the Balance

Be and know the dark first
to appreciate the light

In the car
heading home
"Dad brought joy
into the house
when he appeared
with shopping bags
full of beef and pork parts".

We'd all gather around
the dining room table,
6 kids and Ma

when she was not angry
at his spendthrift ways,

as he emptied the bags.

As the clouds clear
the sun peeks ...

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5 Bananas

5 Bananas


What is on
mind ?



there ?

says ?

You ?


cold is relative
as all relatives

are just that,

to a mind

to belong
some where

other than
right here


Triangles are the strongest
geometrical figures we say.

That is what we say. Right ...

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Look back and see

Look back and see

Switch channels.
Remember tubes?

run run run
I run away a lot

fear is a mighty motivator.
ask those trapped by fire

live fire
175mm M107 Self -Propelled Gun.
Look it up.

See fire, smoke, kid bits
at the exploding end.

Tet Offensive

51 years later
I forget

to remember
Nature is nature.

Life is love
whether I am or not.


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Inside - Out


Dreams & Truths
(There's a word
to stumble over).

I remember my dreams.
I am a dream in a dream,
speaking of dreams.

I record my truth.
My truth is one grain of sand
in a Sahara storm. Not even.

Truth is here, now gone.
All else is a lie. Even Here-Now
is a howling mental deception.

Know mind! Whose?
(mine, yours, hers, his
theirs, ours?)

Thought is not truth...

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Let's talk . . .

Let's talk . . .

Let's talk about people.
All people.

The more people we open to,
the greater the love flows.

"Yeah but, I don't get anything back.
Maybe just mostly pain and suffering."

You plant a seed and get
a pomegranate tree.

The seed goes into the ground.
You may not get love back

the way you expect it to be.
The package reads apple seeds.

Love may not be felt or ...

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What if I never . . .

What if I never . . .

What if I never
had worldly sight,
only heard before words
with each in-out breath,
and pulsed as living light

How can I ever
slam a door
be mean and cruel
sink or soar,
when love is all there is

What if I never
knew real love.
Just you and me and baby makes 3
and the peace symbol dove,
when love is all there is.

How will I ever
see an apple tree
or ...

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no more.

a child in your arms.
ice cream on a stick.
a class of students.
with a lover in bed.
church bells and rice.
a child in my arms.
a rocker on the porch.
a cloud of memories.

no more.


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In the super market

In the super market

I watched the mothers
Carrying their babies.

‘I miss being a parent’,
then thought again.

‘I miss being carried.’


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the A, B, C's skip a beat.*

the A, B, C's skip a beat.*

xylene, vapor induced
visuals and voices were
nonsense and
opportunists and


*Someone said this work makes no sense.
Please try again.
One senten...

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Seeing all too clearly.

Seeing all too clearly.

Waiting, hoping for change
for something to happen

will not hit the jackpot
and get what you want.

In my case it's easy to know
the one word that tells all.

I say

I have done this and that
have lived here and there

won awards and gotten praise.
"Oh, your art, your writing."

I've experienced life and death,
my own and others.

This is a ne...

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a Living Sacred Key

a Living Sacred Key

We search for a joyful light
and avoid the dark of night
that enables us to really see

light and dark are both the key
to having balance in this life
with joy, pain, love and strife.

Let us stop looking out there
when the answer lives here
within without and all about

the light and dark is me.
Breathe deep and know
I am a living sacred key.


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Talking out loud.

Talking out loud.

Ducks say quack quack quack.
Dogs say woof woof woof.
We go yack yack yack.
Is there a difference?

Ducks and Dogs can relate
with each and every mate.
We study books and the law
and still can't communicate.

When ducks and dogs get cross,
they duke it out to be boss.
Yet there is a difference
between ducks dogs and us.

We think, talk and write about
this and ...

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imagine a people
totally severed

from their birth language
and tangible culture.

imagine a people
shipped to a new land

and coined sub-human
by those that control.

imagine a people
deprived of all schooling

then many years later
seen as hostile and brutish.

imagine a people
thank God all-mighty

free at last,
in word only.

imagine a people
free at last


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Back yard buns

Back yard buns

I love your backyard buns,
sun warmed and ready to savor.

Back yard buns.


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baggage carriers.

baggage carriers.

we all are,
aren't we?

it is easier to see
them carry it,

than to see mine
being lugged along.

when mind is seen
and related with

air is fresher
and love smiles



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Does this/that make sense?
is a question

Who am I?
is a better question

I AM beyond words,
so you take it from here.


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What's in it for me?

What's in it for me?
me me me

If I don't care for me
who will?

me me me
me me me

others make a difference

feel the difference in a word
me  us     me me me      us

When you feel it
you know the power.

What's in it for us?


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Spirit BackPack

Spirit BackPack

carry it heavy
carry it lifting

dead undecided alive

being and not
between knowing

neither here or there.
A dimension beyond

body mind spirit
illusions out loud.

carry it heavy
carry it lifting

You decide.


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the Visitor

[Poem or not, I present to you, . . . ]

the Visitor

You are visiting your friends up on the 45th floor.
[One of the larger cities. Stretch your imagination.]
The elevator stops at 7. The door opens. A short being, covered by a king size, black cotton sheet,
slitted for eyes, steps on.
The door closes. The elevator continues up.
This hidden person(?) turns to you before pressing a button...

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"Hey Woman"

"Hey Woman"

I met a female

and thought
'hey girl'.

and thought
would I say
'hey boy'.

and said
'hey woman'.


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Bare feet
On thin ice

Over Arctic water.



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You hear me?

You hear me?

When spirits speak,
many will listen.

Hearing and listening
are not the same.

We may listen to the words,
and not hear their meaning.

Some one will say blah blah blah.
If that is you, please move on.

It's amazing how words can flip
the switch. You hear me?


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Some times

Some times

I wanna' be gone
absolutely MIA
no longer here

when it feels right
to just leave the planet
for un-mind/body ventures

This may be where fear
pops up
in the minds of others

"Leave the planet?"
"Are you talking about . . .?"
"Ohhh God, I'm not goin' there."

We call it 'the circle of life'.
Perennials live, die and live again
so why just applaud life?

The stagec...

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Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt

No need to hunt
outside your home.

Each in out breath
is a bless'd treasure.

Have one right now
long in, long out,

relax and smile.


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Color Matters

Color Matters

Many people discuss white privilege.
Other folks just can't fathom it.
Some will think they know.

When you live it each day
in your heart and bones,
what is there to think?

White folks can snooze here.

Now let's talk light privilege.
Here we mean shades of color.
Lighter shades are easier accepted.

There was a dark girl in my Junior High School.
She used Nadilon...

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make believe love

make believe love
(from across the street)

she struts naked
past the shade pulled low

all above her belly button
is hidden from view

each night I see her
we make believe love.


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Just for now

Just for now
I am enough

that come and go

in the ocean

on the beach

passing through

a snowflake
here and gone

the least and the most
cells ripples grains air

a snowflake
here and gone

I am enough
just for now.


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You want it?
You got it

You got it?
Share it

You need it?
Receive it



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a Living Paradise

a Living Paradise

Paradise is being conscious of each breath
in out in communion with all existence.
More still, paradise is engaging
with energetic flow behind appearance.

Paradise includes all aspects of life and death
and storms and calm and sex and gender and butter
flies cats dogs goats eating grass and children laughing
crying and munching apples being loved in love.

Paradise ...

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I feel . . .

I feel . . .
I feel life
I feel loss

don't know death
so can't feel it

I saw bright flowers,
picked blue berries,
(a mixing bowl full)

visited my VA doctor
ordered a creamy breve,
served by a sensuous woman.

walked around the garden
ate a few cherry tomatoes
looked at the dogwood tree,

a living memorial to life
here breathing with us all,
gifted by two dear friends...

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a Bloody Tune in 1968

They bend him in half, bind ankles to wrists
and drop him in the 55 gallon drum,
so only his butt sticks out.

Voice 1: How they keep them lil’ skinny mo’ fuckers from totally disappearing?
Voice 2: Man, they fill them barrels halfway with rocks.

The ROKS (Republic of Korean Soldiers)
beat an early morning tune on that butt
sinking fast.

First there’s the bloody butt,
then the butt b...

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vietnam war

the Space Creep

We get stoned out on the gun.
When Brady joins us with his big head,
we crack jokes and run for cover.

Run for your lives.
The Space Creep has landed.
Hey brother, take off that head.

We hide behind sandbags
to blast the Creep with bullets, grenades
and the M72 LAW.

He stands in the middle of the gun pit,
with his hands pressed to his ears,

Come on you guys.
Cut it ...

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vietnam warwar



imagine 6 kids
walking hand in hand
two by two

four girls
two boys
behind Ma.

We sing out loud
'Step on a crack,
break your mother's back'.

We joy fully avoid
still hand in hand
the pavement cracks.

Ma turns and says
'You all shut up'
and we do.


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familygrowing upchildren

Eye Peace

Eye Peace

we hold hands, mama and me, climb the steps to Lester Weintraub,

he tests me with the chart, changes lenses in the two-eyed machine.
blinds me with his pen light gizmo.


we go back the next night, and he adjusts my new glasses.
i look out the window for the first time and see the river, Brooklyn,
my reflection in a glass pane.

HOW ...

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We will outlive them.

We will outlive them.
Mama, outlive who?

Those that mute our voices
and chain our bodies

Those that collude and sentence us
to gas chambers and electric chairs

Those that tell their children
we are rabble, rats and roaches

Those that cage our children
and banish us to other places

Child, think on this.
Wherein lies our differences?

We breathe the same air.
and inhabit the ...

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