The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

A Lonely Seashell At The Beach. My First Book

Hello everyone, please bare wit me. This is my first time ever starting a blog and also writing a book. I wrote a book and it is for sale at and here is the link. Thank you for reading this. A friend of mine she told me that I have a way with words, so I decided to write something poetic for everyone to read. I hope that you all enjoy the book.

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Red Pearl

Red Pearl


You are such a beautiful woman and I spent my life trying to find you

as I look at the waters of the beach, so beautiful and so sparkling blue

but in the water, I see something shining and I see it staring at me

I must go get it, before it is too late

the wind is perfect and it is such a perfect day


I see it and I swam for it and I saw millions of diamonds


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Hold Me


When my heart is in pain, the most amazing thing that could heal me

is if you stand behind me and hold me, the warmth of your body will sooth me

when you hold me, you heal my wounds and you heal my pain

and soon I will smile and see better days again

you may be the love of my life, but you are my true friend


I will always hold you in my arms and I promise to nev...

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