Memory of existence
What a peaceful thought.
Tuesday 30th July 2019 1:04 am
Art of my dreams
You are the art of my dreams.
The muse of my thoughts
and the sweetness of my soul.
a gentle aura surrounding mine
sending messages through the skin and bone
what a funny way to live,
what a peaceful time
to be alive.
to dare what is romance between the reality of life and visions
to desire not only a life
but two paths in one.
-G. N. D.
Friday 14th September 2018 2:25 am
Thought of a restless mind.
As I grow, I see many places to live by
I see the true nature of life,
On how doll and peaceful it can be.
But what is life without sorrow?
What is life without dreams of the melancholic soul?
Just a thought of a restless mind.
Wednesday 27th June 2018 3:15 am
I need you
My love, I need you.
Here I am falling in love with the beauty of the world.
Waiting for you, as if it were the end of the world.
I do not mind the wait,
I have the time.
But I have to be honest,
I need you.
I've felt you before,
and that's fine
Someday I'll see you,
and I'll know.
And even if you do not know, it's fine.
I have love to give and loves will ...
Sunday 3rd June 2018 3:56 am
A dead rose for a dead friend.
I came across with a dead rose.
How impure and crooked it seemed.
Deteriorated without the life it once had.
I kept walking with it, holding it with my right hand.
How sad it was to see a rose like that.
Where once it was bright red,
now it’s only a brown looking thing with nothing left.
I kept walking with the dead rose,
a sad rose with no thorns.
Until the path ended i...
Sunday 28th January 2018 4:20 am
Only in the dark I see the day.
Only in the dark I see the day.
I see the day when the sky is full of stars.
I see the day were you only hear the wind howling smoothly in my window.
The noises of the animals being alive;
were you can hear only a little the waves of the ocean...
That's when I think of us more deeply.
Only in the dark I see my dreams flowing closely,
telling me that dreams could be realities waiting for m...
Thursday 26th October 2017 2:07 pm
I had that dream again...
I had that dream again...
You and me dancing on some random beach.
I felt your hands on my thighs,
moving me gently with your warm eyes.
You were looking at me like if it was the first time,
the first time of holding me with your warm hands.
I remember it clearly now.
My head was resting on your chest,
I know you were smelling my hair and
playing with it just like y...
Thursday 24th August 2017 3:31 am
There was once a man.
There was once a man,
charming in the flesh
He fell in love with a woman,
who he described her as a universe with the brightest stars.
She was his dream,
a dream that came close with his reality.
There was once a man,
bewitched with all.
He dare not speak,
for not to ruin all.
He cared for his beloved,
as if she was the heart of it all.
Until he met his dem...
Saturday 15th July 2017 1:30 am
Kiss me now I say
Kiss me now I say,
and I promise I won't cry.
Tell me, what do you see?
Do you see this sad soul searching for clues or
do you see someone who has the same soul as yours?
Life is such a wonder,
to live not knowing things and to die for something worth it.
I say now kiss me,
I'm not sure what will happen next.
But I promise is worth it.
Life is such a beauty.
...Friday 7th July 2017 2:59 am
Honey sweet honey
Honey sweet honey,
I see you in my dreams, dear sweet honey.
Good to see you're still jolly,
I can hear you at night my dear dolly...
You still got that melody kicking in dearie,
I can still feel it through you darling.
Got those big brown eyes dashing...
honey sweet honey,
Would you be mine tonight sweet pie?
Do not worry about anything for some time,
I got you covered in my soul tonigh...
Sunday 25th June 2017 6:24 am
We've met before
We've met before.
Somewhere between the sun, somewhere between the moonlight.
I speak to you as if it was the end of all things, you speak to me as if it was the beginning of it all.
Perhaps maybe we are both mistaken.
Somewhere between the stars, somewhere between the night.
I am simply observing, what you are and what was mine. Hoping one day, we meet again.
Maybe not as lovers but m...
Saturday 10th June 2017 10:18 pm
Nights are cold
And yet those nights are cold,
without the warmth of another soul.
Having this desire of speaking with the dark,
to urge something to feel...
And yet it remains what it is,
what it is the dream and what it is the reality of the dream.
Friday 9th June 2017 3:53 am
Somewhere between places
I've been here before...
Somewhere between places,
somewhere I can't escape.
Tell me.
Does it feel the same or does it feel different this time?
Am I just a memory with no feelings left or am I something you still look for in your dreams?
I may not know and never will...
But maybe not knowing is better.
For me, I am only me.
Something you can't simply replace.
Friday 9th June 2017 3:48 am
A garden inside of me
There's a garden inside of me.
It grows through my lungs
with roses and daisies.
It grows with my soul when it's touch by another.
Though it rains, though time it collapses
It's still there, growing roses and daisies.
With warmth and kindness, it's always there,
though storms pass and go.
It will always be there, my garden inside of me.
With the roses and daisies of my life within me.
Sunday 4th June 2017 4:50 pm
An archer of the woods
I am an artist of words,
an archer of the woods.
A constellation of the brightest stars.
An adventurous being,
with dreams that follow the galaxies.
I seek only wonders,
I seek only peace.
Not mistake me as an ordinary piece.
My arrow strikes in the souls of others.
It does not have an aim but it follows,
it stays inside like a deep wound.
It does not break, it just gets stuck.
Sunday 4th June 2017 4:39 pm
Better for my soul
Days have gone till I've felt something strange,
would I feel like that again?
Will my life be with the sweetness I haven't known yet?
One can do so much,
one can feel too much.
I admit I ache for something,
something unknown.
One thing is for certain,
I might feel it again.
Might not be the same,
maybe more...
Better of this ache,
better for my soul.
Monday 29th May 2017 2:05 am
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