Surviving Christmas
Surviving Christmas last year
Your eyes changed colour
At the end of it
Underneath the lamp
Near the window,
Counting sheep
Breathing half submerged
Mirroring the quietness
Of the road outside
Except for the memory
Of that last drink
Scattered on the floor.
Friday 27th December 2013 11:19 am
Strange Love
Yours was a strange love
that went beyond all kinds
of acceptable boundaries
and normal taste.
Yours was a strange love
that involved so much kissing
in the rain
I am surprised I never
got the flu.
Yours was a strange love
like Snakes and ladders
minus a dice
and replaced with a pin
you may pull off
Blind Man's Bluff.
Yours was a strange love
full of kinky mis-adventures
Wednesday 4th December 2013 12:56 pm
Share my Umbrella
Leaving you stood in the snow
I almost turn around
And shout you
To come and share
My umbrella.
Almost clear some handspace
And almost pull out
My spare pair of gloves
In the middle of
My bag
And almost take
My little black hat
Off my head
As a symbol of
My endless love.
Almost pull my scarf off
That makes Tom Baker’s
From Doctor Who
Look like a pair
of earwarmers.
Wednesday 27th November 2013 12:57 pm
If I were a proper poet
If I were a proper poet
I would write in Shakespearean
And constantly refer to Larkin
Every other line or so.
I would write poems
Far more angry than Plath
And show Hughes
How he should have wrote the Crow.
I would walk in the Sally Gardens
Every other lunchtime with Teats
And hug Tennyson as he crossed
Backwards and forwards on the bar.
I would give the Owl
And the Pussycat a m...
Sunday 17th November 2013 11:21 am
What next?
Now the demonstration
Where 50,000 people
Rained the streets of Manchester
Has been regulated
To a sentence on Page 21
Of the Daily Mirror
What of those
Whose benefits have?
Been cut because
Of the Bedroom tax
And are straying
Closer and closer
To the breadline
Or worse
What of my friend Cath’s daughter
Who while wait...
Saturday 26th October 2013 12:34 pm
Regarding the BBC's lack of coverage...
Regarding the BBC's lack of coverage at the Manchester Demonstration during the Protests at the Conservative Conference in Manchester during September 2013
Would the recent, peaceful demonstration
In the middle of Manchester
Just before the Conservative Conference in Manchester
At the Manchester International Centre
Got more coverage by the BBC
Instead of a minor side story
Thursday 3rd October 2013 1:42 pm
Monday 30th September 2013 7:59 pm
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