Waiting for Nancy (XIV)
Dancing around half empty coke bottles
Chiselled in shadows
Our 14th meet up
By now spinning into Mid November
Was laced in a glow of happiness
Of reconnecting with old friends
And awakening new love
(with your encouragement of course)
covered in a glow of happiness,
bubbling in my emotions
fashioned in marble
cutting a swathe with excitement
from her home in Bacup
throughout all of...
Monday 22nd December 2014 10:04 pm
Waiting for Nancy (XIII)
Protecting their own
At least 100 of them
Cycled off from St Peters Square
Like a goose leading their flock
Away from water
But instead dressed up
Like ghouls
And zombies
Working in tandem
Shaping each wheel
With a burp
Instead of a beep
Across a river
Of closed shops
And boat like trams
Waiting in a different way
For the current to drop
And your text to
Say ...
Wednesday 17th December 2014 7:42 pm
Waiting for Nancy (XII)
Totally unexpected
Our 12th meet up
Some weeks later
Was among the stress
Of a first play read out
From my play collective
In a half empty theatre
Lost among the shadows
Filled with apologises
Which didn’t quite go to plan,
Needling truths
From fragmented lies
Among unreliable narrators
And witnesses of a brutal murder
Which was then followed
By a deeply
Saturday 6th December 2014 10:42 am
Waiting for Nancy 11
Flu riddled
You cancelled our 11th meet up
With half a hours notice
Scratching down the phone
Like a chipped needle
On a record player
Skateboarding between
The truth and lies
Brick-edged across St Peters Square
With the tram lights
Spot lighting on me
Truthing the ground
Leaving me stood there
Alone in the rain.
(11th in a ongoing series)
Sunday 30th November 2014 11:46 am
Waiting for Nancy (10)
Half chopped off conversations
Cover Piccadilly Gardens
With an mechanical ambience
Blown across ice cold breezes
Under tram tracks
And across newspaper racks
In Tutsy’s newsagents
The bus station
Twisting meanings of
Badly sun rock and roll songs
And conversations with
My brother whose train
Was stuck near Stockport
Train station
(also running late),
Frustrations of...
Friday 28th November 2014 12:31 pm
Waiting for Nancy (XI)
Sinking into a silent likeness
In the mist
Our 9th adventure
The day after the 8th again
Should have been
A lovely afternoon walk
Across the Roman lakes
In Marple
Near where my second girlfriend
Lived many years ago,
Should have been
A lovely train ride
All the way down
To Marple
And through Romiley
Where I would have relayed
My infamous stories
About the old forum there.
Sunday 23rd November 2014 12:45 pm
Excuse Poem
Of course it wasn’t me
It was him
Moon faced
With cat eyes
In spotted pyjamas,
Captain Scarlet like
Arguing with the bus driver
When he tried paying
For a £2 fare
In 5p coins,
It wasn’t me
Arguing with the driver
It was legal tender
All the way
Til the inspector arrived
Then the police
And his four mates
Appearing like vultures
Then more police
And other bus travelle...
Saturday 22nd November 2014 10:16 am
Waiting for Nancy (VIII)
Drowned in soft sax
And broken Indie Metal
Our 8th meet up
Should have started off
As a walk around
Beautiful Marple
But ended up at night
In the city centre
At their food and drink festival,
Brushing hand in hand
With all kinds
Of un-usual tasting
Irish hot dogs
Laced with two different
Variations of Mustard
I hadn’t tried before,
And Thai food
With waitresses
Who didn’t kno...
Wednesday 5th November 2014 8:16 pm
Waiting for Nancy (VII)
Top heavy in Irish Stew
From an amazing gig
The night before
My arrival to our 7th adventure
Was delayed with Cathy’s younger cat
Deciding it didn’t like Extreme Metal
And ran into the other
Resulting in World War 3
Round the back of the TV,
And me getting to the bus stop
Minus my bus pass
And heading back into the flat
To walk into Round 2
With both of the Cats
Spitting at each o...
Sunday 26th October 2014 8:40 am
Waiting for Nancy (VI)
Laced in strips of a noir film,
Timewarped into the centre
Of 21st Manchester City Centre,
Our 6th adventure began with
A staring confronation
With a hated ex boss
From a job I won’t even put
On my CV
Across St Peters Square
Who I think would have said something
But realised out of that place
I would have likely lamped him,
Then two policeman trying
To stop a tramp licking coffee
Sunday 19th October 2014 6:30 pm
Waiting for Nancy (V)
Our fifth adventure
Was more of a journey
Of when we arrived together
Almost on time
From different directions
Rather than one of us arriving
Over a hour late
And heading into my band’s next gig
Like a tag team
(even though it had become
just good friends
by that point
which neither of us minded).
This time I didn’t have
Any bus crashes near
Piccadilly train station
Caused by lu...
Thursday 16th October 2014 9:57 pm
Waiting for Nancy (IV)
Fourth time
Although the journey was fine
Although I had to run
Like a sprinter across
Manchester Piccadilly
And had to almost leap
Across the escalators
To get to the train
My health wasn’t.
My chest wasn’t fine
And kept rattling
Every time I breathed
Too sharply
Passing through
Salford Crescent
And my eyes
Kept running like
A river.
My nerves weren’t fine
Re-reading my pie...
Friday 10th October 2014 10:17 am
Waiting for Nancy (III)
Hints at problems getting
Out of work
On your bike
Which banged like a bullet
Down Oxford Road
And got oil
Up and down you
Almost changing the
Colour of the your pants.
After a early finish
Which turned into two hours
You are looking after
That decided it wanted
Feeding you l...
Monday 29th September 2014 12:35 pm
Waiting for Nancy (II)
First time it was my shorts
Covered in blood,
Next time it was mis-matched shoes
Which I had put on without realising
They were completely wrong
And Cathy’s bus pass
Instead of my own
Which caused the bus driver
To look to me strangely.
First time it was my mate
Who was leaving his wife
Of 12 years
then on the second
Rang me up again
To say he’d cheated on her again
With another...
Saturday 27th September 2014 12:08 am
Waiting for Nancy (I)
Wandering around Marks and Spencer
Until you meet up on a blind date
For a pair of pants
To replace the ones
That you discover had
Blood staines on from
God knows when can
Be a thankless task.
Bumping into a work colleague
Who has been off sick
For ages and ages
And ages
And looks totally pissed off
Spending the next twenty minutes
Slagging off nearly everybody
Can be a thankless ...
Sunday 21st September 2014 1:55 pm
The Weather ruined the rest
Friday 25th July 2014 12:17 am
Three days since you told me you love me
And two since you kissed me on the cheek.
Four since you rang me up accidentially
And six since you tripped over your cat in the kitchen.
Seven since you kicked me out of bed over my snoozing
And eight since you set your toaster on fire.
Five since you misplaced your keys blaming me
And yesterday since you swore at the Postman
Yelling into the...
Thursday 22nd May 2014 12:55 pm
Words repeating themselves
I knew what I was doing
All the way out of the door
Until I tasted the moonlight
And felt the snow
Dripping off my shoulders
Picking my way through
The empty seats
And the sea filtered breath
Of the older couple
Sat at the back of us
Curved in reckless abandon
As first the attendees
Tried to stop me
Then both of the security
In unaided shock
As first my throat
Then my stom...
Sunday 27th April 2014 6:37 pm
Imaginary letter to older self
Dear Gray;
When you are 60
Will you still listen
To the same crap music
That annoys the hell
Out of most people
But still leave you
To headbang
While stood up
On the bus
No matter what
Everybody else thinks
And still wear
Those t-shirts
That look like
They are held together
By bits of invisible tape
And should have been
Thrown away
30 years ago.
Dear Gray;
Will ...
Friday 18th April 2014 11:44 pm
I can be horrible if you like
I can be horrible and tell you
tons of dis-tasteful things
if I am a cruel or vicious mood.
I can tell you tons of wicked stories
of what I used to get up just
to make you blush dark blue
as the night sky.
I can tell you some of my legendary
sexual cock up's
which i have still have some
of the bruises.
I could tell you about my superglue
and ambulance van story
or the time i ...
Sunday 9th March 2014 10:49 am
Take this bill
Take this bill
And toss it
Into a river
Until it spins
To the bottom
Like a washing machine.
Put it on
A one way journey
To Australia
To watch Englan
Likely lose the
Ashes once again,
Or curl it up into
A little ball
And kick it
Underneath the table
So it rolls into
The gutter (hopefully).
Bite it in half
(or swallow it if you can)
And say some random dog
Came in off the...
Wednesday 26th February 2014 12:46 pm
Don't take your Elephant to School
Don’t take your elephant
To hospital
And tie it’s ears outside
Into the bicycle rack.
Don’t take your elephant
To hospital
And encourage it
To steal other patient’s food.
Don’t your elephant
To hospital
Let it sleep
Let it roam across fields,
But most importantly
Keep it away from Tarzan
Who’ll drive them crazy
Like Harry Potter
Rewritten by Stephen King.
(Not r...
Saturday 25th January 2014 11:52 am
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