The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Permanent Depression

Haven’t been happy in so long,

Tryna numb the pain with hits of the bong.

I can’t breathe, these emotions are way too strong.

Find myself isolating, this world is not where I belong.


Been on antidepressants to no avail.

Tried to deceive myself, that was a fail. 

Pretended they work, but I’ve been lying. 

Constantly find myself awake at 3 am crying.


There’s unresol...

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This life has been painful and filled with sorrow

Spent a lot of nights wishing for no tomorrow

Curating a resume that makes me seem successful

Constantly feeling like I’m not living up to my potential

The pressure I put on myself is unbelievably stressful

Feeling worthless unless I’m chasing a credential


Acting like I’m smart, but I must be faking

Repeating the actions t...

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What's Next?

The trauma from my past weighs heavy on my soul

Unresolved issues making me feel alone

The pain in my chest been replaced by a dark hole

I feel like I’m living life through apps on my phone.


Night after night insomnia plagues me like a demon,

I’m so exhausted, I can’t take another beatin.  

My stomach churns like I haven’t eaten.

Sourpatch Kids my life, I need it to sweet...

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Therapy’s been fine but it’s not fixing my problems.

Each week talking about something new, but we never actually solve them.

Mr. Joyce tells me I need to let my emotions pass through me.

But my emotions make me who I am, so I know I need to disagree.

My identity has always been important and, honestly, I identify as depressed.

That as well as anxious, lost, and always stress...

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I’m not a pyromaniac, but my emotions are like a fire.
Not dealing with past trauma because I don’t have what that would require.
So when I find myself alone and fighting the darkness in my head,
I end up saying so many things I wish were never said.

And as I look around at all the bridges that I’ve burned,
I know that by now, I really should have learned.
And as the smoke clears and my la...

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depressionself harmfrustrationex friendstraumachildhood trauma

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