The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Howling Edge

"Give children fire, so they can grow stronger than anyone you've ever known"

Take me to the edge
Give me wings to touch the sky
Let me hustle my sorrow into the wind
May my pain echo in a kind
Might it set their world on fire
Tears pumping through their veins
Let them know what I've felt
What ache I've been in
And they'll heal as soon as their own wind whisper hits 'em
As a hurrican...

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One-star community

A noticed man on a long rusty cold bench
Hidden behind a mask as me
He on the right, I sit down on the farest left
Its late morning in the fall
Catched the same train
Walked the same paths
As I saw his face, his eyes when he felt his hackles raising
I looked directly into a grown man's unrest
A bold 18 year old behind him
- He was off-color
Suddenly he found himself climbing the stairs a...

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