The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Death Haiku

Dissolved in water

Sugar cube transcends its form

Sweetness is released

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Everything is Here

I'm floating in this little boat I call my body

Anchored by these years I call my life

Reaching for a star I call my heart-home

Supported by a churning sea that is my world

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Yes, of course I could hang on to who I was yesterday

But why bother, when

Each new day

Begs me to




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The Storm Before the Calm

During the storm, before the calm,
I heard their feet, stamping over the hills
Arriving in droves. The rebel army.
Here to overthrow a lifetime of enslavement
To buying insurance and mowing the lawn
To smiling through failure and
Changing my underwear daily.
A lifetime of good behaviour and
Doing what’s best (for whom?)
But here they come. The forgotten dreams.
The squashed and crumpled ...

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