The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Drugs to death

Pills and powders flying around the streets, each dealer adding their own unique twist to create a bigger batch of what they call a treat. A lads night out, a festival gone wrong, it doesn’t take much for you not to be so strong. “I know my limit” they say, but the pill that you pop may lead you astray, all that you’ve worked for, all who you love, gone in a flash over a dodgy bag of drugs. Laying...

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Grey clouds


The numb thump of my heart beating against my rib cadge, 

Unknown pain of sadness always giving me rage.

Desperately grasping at the last memories that I had with you,

Tears roll down my face when I find thats an issue.

The blood in my veins is so hard to contain, 

The thoughts of death flood through to my brain.

Hard to fight past the devil inside of me, 

I promise my na...

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