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My Selfish Heart

My selfish heart is just plain happy 

As the world tumbles into an abyss 

Only you and I know how it’s come to this

We’ve found a love like never before

Soon to be judged by those we adore

Our clean hearts true to ourselves and each other

No time now for froth and bluster

Just love seared with joy and heart felt laughter

 Short time, fast journey for two hearts from The Poo...

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LovetogetherluckLiverpoolheartshigher power

Spirit of Friendship

We were together back in the day

Bumping along so ready to play

You called me up, thought me up, as things got tough

But I’ve always been here to walk your paths

To see you shine, to laugh your laughs

You saw me smiling and did believe

I needed to show you it’s not make believe 

This man now with you, can see who’s you

He loves and cares and will always be true

He’ll be ...

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Did we meet, now we have

Perhaps around my 10 I sensed your spark

With you toddling and sparking along your days

As I passed by, you learning to prance, pushing boundaries to play

Easing my mind as I drove on by 

Between mum and dad to my nearby dunes

No metal men then, to spoil its grace

Just a place of happiness, joy a perfect space

My 20 perhaps a glance as we charged around town

You with your s...

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My boys

Who knew such joy before they were born

Who knew the joy they'd bring

As an only child no knowledge of this sibling thing

But life with my two boys became my greatest experience 

Brought me endless days of pure joy

They're so close, so different, so very much alike, the very best of friends

My best times ever are when we're all together 

Just sitting, eating and chatting, natu...

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boysgrowing uphappinesssonsjoyfunmischieftogether

Love wins

Their hands touched and the room stood still

Genuinely, completely stood dead still

He held her hands tight across the table

Wanting to shout out but he wasn't able

Wanting to shout she's the one I love

Tearing down values he'd long understood 

Life is for living with no holding back

Only truly experienced with love in full flame

Not playing the margins in some fake game


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Big leggy

It's a time for True Grit

As big leggy would say

We've met this years woes head on and strong

Working together to keep fears at bay

Our spirits always high every step of the way

Nothing can deflect us from our ultimate goal 

True Grit runs through us, so get out of our way

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true grittogetherspirits

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