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The Ballad Of Robert Hode (song version]

The Ballad of Robert Hode


In the year of 1332

After the Despenser War

Robert Hode of Wakefield

Become a famed outlaw

He’d been an archer for Lancaster

(who was executed by the king)

And had his lands forfeited

For daring to fight for him


Now you may know him better

By the name of Robin Hood

Who some say came from Nottingham

But I would say you should


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robert hoderobin hoodwachefeldwakefieldmythlegendnottingham

The Raising Of The Trickster

The Raising Of The Trickster


When the western sky turns slowly into the colour of an old bruise

And the last orange streaks of daylight bleed from the setting sun

A cold white vapour swirls through the fields of corn its fingers prising apart the stalks

As the lands of Albion darken and strange noises start to crawl from the mist.


At the edge of the fields there sprawls a ...

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CrowLoreredemptiontricksterscarecrowprophecyfolk talefolk loremythgothic




Here in the verdant meadows

All on a summer’s day

The dreaded army of the dark

Met with the noble fey

They fought until the long sundown

And the lost blood of the dead

Soaked into the sacred ground

And turned the roses red


When the fight was over

And the legion of the flies

Had swarmed across the corpses

Stealing hope from sightless eyes


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Crow Lore


We sit and watch the world go by

On fences long and oak trees high

The waxing moon the setting sun

We are the crows of Albion


We chronicle the human ways

Their restless nights and confused days

Mother, daughter, father, son

We are the crows of Albion


Our stories written down in books

Guarded well by crows and rooks

And no one knows what we ...

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CrowLoremythfolktalecrowsstory tellinggothic horrorfantasy




Beneath the ancient gallows tree

There sits an old apothecary

Where deep within its ancient rooms

Resides an old man selling ‘shrooms

That he has harvested from soil

Of graveyards where the serpents coil

And if the ache screams in your joints

Just follow where the way-marker points.


The place smells of dust and moist mildew

And the foul dark liqui...

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apothecarycurefolk lorehealingmythnatural highprice to pay

The Mandrake Curse

The Mandrake Curse


I spied the purple mandrake flowers

Sitting in their nest of green

And foolishly looked to rip them

From the earth they serenely sat upon

And everywhere a shriek echoed

Across the woods and leafy vales

and to my weary eyes I saw

The bulbous body resurrected


A face demonic in its glare

For being torn from fitful slumber

Wizened arms of k...

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napowrimo2020day 11mandrakemythpoisonflowerfantasyhorror




Not the cross or the thorns

or the blood or the nails,

not the spear or the whip

or the rumble of stones

from the mouth of a tomb.


Not the hatred and bigotry,

the small minded hypocrisy

of this clan or that clan

whose father is biggest

or most feared or cherished.


Not the myth and the fable

espoused by blind acolytes

heaven bent on venge...

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alternative viewEasterEostremythPaganpeace

Dockery Plantation Blues

Dockery Plantation Blues

In a Mississippi graveyard,
as the midnight hour crawls,
sits a young boy and his guitar
wailing tunes at the moon.
He prays his fingers faster
as they dance across the frets,
weeping at his inability
to speak in tongues from the strings.

He is lost in a fugue
of chaotic chords and strumming,
as the Delta Blues pour muddy,
like the churning brown river,

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robert johnsonclarksdalecrossroadsdevilmythdelta blues

A Tree In The Elephant's Graveyard

A Tree In The Elephant’s Graveyard

It began with a pen
and paper,
beneath a tree.
Carried here
upon a rat
to rest awhile.

The paper was white
and stared at me
The pen hovered,
dripping ink
like tears.

A serpent
coiled itself
around My neck.
I thought of stars
and dreamt
of gouache landscapes.

Still the paper
would not
fuck the pen.
My thoughts
were clear,

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richpixelephantParvatishindu culturemuseGaneshatreedeathmythwriters block

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