The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

the world is BLIND

I was forced,
to keep my eyes shut.
While all the crimes were infront of me,
I chose to stay blind.
Stranded on a deserted island
With nowhere to escape.
I let my dreams fly away,
While I let my soul,
live in that hell.
I was a part of it,
Cruel and nasty doings.
Committing sins,
I never wanted to.
But what could I possible do?
Because in the end,
All that pain, was my closest frien...

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I hate the sun,
But I fear the dark.
In that room filled with sunlight,
I look for chaos.
The tables have turned
My life's upside down.
In a room full of smiles,
I look for a frown.
All I did was blame them for the sins they never committed.
All were convicted for the sins,
They never did.
And that's how,
The apocalypse hit.

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What if I was in control?
Would I stop it all, or
Would I let it flow?
The fireflies flying around,
Showing how they glow.
Would I put an end to it, or
Would I sit in a corner while,
I bring together the puzzle in bits?
The bright sun; the clear sky
Would I cover it all, or
Would I let the toddlers crawl?
The smiles on the faces;
the joy in the places
Would I turn it all around
And e...

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Remove the veil

That veil, covering my eyes
Everytime I look at someone
While the veil is aside,
they die.
The mist is rising,
It's the fog I created,
I'm drowning in the air
And I hate it here.
The veil is dirty, and
I love the suffocating air.
With my eyes closed,
I feel the love and the hatred.
I refuse to look at someone
Until one day,
I choose to see my own colours.
I tear apart the veil,

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If I talk about love, I'll need to talk about how
i'd drain all the blood out of my body and let my skin turn blue
So, you could love me for once.
You once said that you loved the colour blue, and in the process to paint myself as a beautiful tee swallow
I became alexithymic and was simply hollow. I'm everything, except myself.
I desire to be the moon, but i despise all its scars.
I desire t...

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कमबख़्त दिल!

ये दिल कुछ ख़फ़ा सा बैठा है,
शायद तुझसे या खुदी से रूठा है।
उसने अपनी चाहत तो तेरे लिए सजाई थी,
और शायद अभी भी तुझे चाहता है।
पर न जाने क्यों ये कमबख़्त दिल जताने से इतराता है।

तुझे बहुत कुछ बताने की है तो मर्ज़ी,
पर क्या करूँ, तेरी उन आँखों में मेरे लिए वो इश्क़ आखिर में है तो फ़र्ज़ी।
आज़ादी मनाई थी जिस दिन ये दिल तुझ पर आया,
और, तेरा वो इशारा कुछ अलग सा भाया।

तुझे दूर से देख,

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