The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.


I write this on a rainy day

i guess you can never take the pain away but

what matters most is what the pain teaches you,

something deeper than the ocean

it makes you realize the real you.

They say pain comes from the truth and the lie

was invented to cut a corner and make everything seem

smooth but in my experience the lie is the truth and 

the truth is the lie because I te...

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What is your passion in life

what's the last thing you

think about at night? 

What motivates your soul 

what dwells inside your mind

do you have any goals? 

Oh I get it, you're only here for the show 

but when the those lights turn off, 

where will you go? 

What will you show for yourself 

what do you think makes you a man?

Is it doing this or doing...

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Feathers at the altar roses draw near my cage

Flamable is love, its scent has no age

I fear not flying but remaining at this stage.

I ponder about the joy of escaping feels like but I still remain the same.

A perpetual moonlight filled with stars, dreams and hopes.

I want to escape and be with you buy my heart is vain

Laconic i am with you in sight, never able to scatter light on...

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