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Tried And Tested

Their faces reflect purity,

But, the heart screams an objection

The way they walk is gracefull,

But, the words seem to say otherwise.

Venom is like the only language they know,

But they know not that it might cost them.


Its rare to see,

A face appearing guilty,

Yet, overconfidence is their fort.

Being humiliated is an abomination to them,

But, humiliating others ...

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Problem Not Solved

Everything keeps jumping back to you,

whether good or bad,

it changes from a tint to a shade,

the only thing left is to ask yourself

what should I do?


The memory seems to have,

that permanent mark in your brain

you are now drowned in tears

due to the memory that flashes now and then

of corse you ran away from everything,

what treacherous imprintment of some kind


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