The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

A day to achieve

I wake up to blue skies and a bright sun
My alarm rings, now my day has begun
I turn on the hot shower, the bathroom begins to steam
When I'm done I dry and put on my best dress
I have an important meeting today so I need to impress 
After the usual traffic jam I finally arrive at work
I'm greeted with smiles from familiar faces
I come face to face with my boss as my heartbeat races
Good m...

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New Wounds

Fetch the scissors
Bring the knife too
I've found something 
for me to do

Watch the blood drip
Make a red puddle
They all seem to judge
Without knowing the struggle

If they can all hurt me
I can hurt me too
I feel like I deserve it anyway,
That's why I do what I do

"Attention seeker"
That's what they label me
But they don't know
What I have to see

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depressionanxietyself harmself destruction

Writing is Power

Writing gives me the power to express how I am feeling without actually having to say,

I have a pen, paper and 24 hours in a day.

Although I keep my silence, I can still let it all out

I could talk about the blood, sweat and tears but they're all visible signs.

The things I need to talk about are all in my mind.

I find it so difficult to trust family and friends

but have no prob...

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depressionanxietywritingfreedom of expression

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