The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


Her colour, yellow, brings exuberance to my life. 
Yellow; a colour so unlike my own. 
A scintillating, fluorescent perception 
contrasting with my own dismal reflection. 
Her colour, yellow, brings distinction to my life. 
Yellow; who would have thought? 
So, unique yet such a synonym, 
altering my own shade from within. 
Her colour yellow, brings significance to my life.
 Yellow; ...

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Secret imitations

The blank canvas of paper

the paintbrush, now a pen.

sketching with imagination,

an art piece to use again and again.

An amygdala rainbow,

stroked with water coloured tears.

not your average abstract background,

when brocaded with fears.

The brushwork is so fragile,

so, I’ll use calligraphy instead,

the colours were so bright on paper,

but darker in my head.


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Borderline Personality Disorder is the most commonly diagnosed personality disorder

About 70% of people with BPD will make at least one suicide attempt in their lifetime. In addition, between 8 and 10 percent of people with BPD will complete suicide; this rate is more than 50 times the rate of suicide in the general population. (Taken from

People with BPD are commonly misdiagn...

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