The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

Going where the water flows

I'm not going to be the one who fix it this time
Or try to keep it together
I'm not going to be the cause of more problems
Or try to break it apart
I'll let it just be the way it is
And if you want it this way lets stay this way
You do you
And I'll be me

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I just lost someone I love today..

He's sweet kind and caring
He's charming and anything anyone would ever want
He was the best
And yet some things are not meant to be
I really love him
I did love him with everything I could
But I matter too
I deserve to be love too

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In midst 20's

It was pitiful enough that I'd be running in anyone arms in desperation
I don't even know what I'm supposed to do or whom I'm supposed to be
It was a lonely road indeed.
In midst 20s when you thought you have it all figure out
And life smack back at you
Then suddenly you're lost again
People say you will figure it out
But when,
When its already too late?
Will I ever figure it out?

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It all felt like it happened yesterday

When you and I finally stayed away

I love you is an empty word we say

When we have no intention to stay


We never stopped trying

Keeping us from hurting 

More than what is intended

From all the past lies

Beneath our shaking hands and hidden scars

Of broken promises and empty vows

Loaded guns that fires the bullet

To the st...

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goodbyesliessad poemsBroken heartsHeartbreak

Wicked Game

I lost
In the wicked game we played;
The distorted rules we make,
The empty words we say,
And the goodbyes in the end of May;

I lost
The lies of February's promise;
And the man I want to love.
Cruel honesty that got us in the beginning, and the only thing that's left for us in the end.

By June, a threat of winter's cold;
It wasn't even close to turn our hearts to stone
A teared ...

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broken dreamsbroken hearted poemBroken heartsemptyguessing gameLove lostWicked game

Sane × Insane

Why do you expect so much good in other people

Why do you pray so much under every steeple

How can you be ok to be disappointed all the time

And hurt yourself with so much hope inside

You’ll never learn your lesson if you try to be blind

To The bad side of people you try to hide

And let them inside your heart again

Is it a crime to let them cause you so much pain

To the poi...

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bad daybad karmagood lifepoetrysad poemssad poetrySelfself reflectionself-destructionsaneinsane

Difference between mundane and heavenly

I wrote a poem you'll never read
I'll sing a song you'll never hear
As the pictures on the wall starts to fade
As the dust invades the picture frames
And the seasons come and passed outside my window pane
I still hadn't learned a thing
Time passess as quickly as the clouds crossing from the endless of skies
Your name resonates in the eternal soul of mine
A mundane thing to do is to cry
A ...

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deathdeath loss friendlife after deathlovelove eternalLove lostlove poemslove poetryMurder death lovetogether after death


Words, the only thing that connects me to you
Through words I figured out the things that you do
Words you want to say to the girls that you loved that are too good to be true
Words that I read just like the lyrics of my favorite songs

I figured their is a list of the girls in your heart
You fall too easy something that is common with my heart
I don't know how many times I hoped for an us

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friendsfriendshiplovePainunrequited love

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