The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Christmas Is Ridiculous

christmas is ridiculous

a frenzy of indoctrination 

sentimental propaganda

pressure to participate

unrealistic expectations

inculcated in the kids

while parents go insane 

it goes against the grain to be 

so busy at this time of year

we should be curled up by the fire

not fucking running round so wired 

to buy this tat that no one needs

sanctifying endless greed


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ChristmasconsumerismSpoken Word poetrywinter

On Tents Left Behind At Festivals

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Spoken Word poetryfestivalcapitalismconsumerismperformance poetry

I’m Not Your Zebra

I’m not your zebra.

I don’t want you to chase me

to show your devotion.

I’m not your lioness.

You don’t need to pursue me

across the plains

to demonstrate your loyalty.

You don’t need to dominate me

to prove your masculinity.

I don’t need you to need me.

I’m not your source,

I’m not your mother, 

I’m not your bitch.

You don’t need to chip, chip

chip away, ...

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codependencefeministmisogynyrelationshipsrespectSpoken Word poetry

Real Life

She lies awake at night,

eyes wired,

frantically reading

anything, anything,

to not think about it,

to patch up the cracks,

sew up the seams,

stuff the holes with cushions 

made of trash TV and Facebook,

while the mould seeps

down the bedroom wall,

letters lie ignored

re: default sum unpaid,


So sick, sick

of hospital appointments, 

waiting in ...

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