The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

A Stone For The Miller (Collaboration Feat Mae Foreman)

 (Originally posted March 15th 2019, And reposted as it has been so kindly voiced by the wonderful Mae Foreman. Thank you so much for doing this Mae, I can't thank you enough.)

J. x



Walking in the fields in the land of abandoned god's,

The clay clumps at my heels and clings in wet clods,

Staring at the skies with a view to the divine,

Trying to get a feel for what's mine a...

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I Stand

(In honour of our services.)


In this darkest hour of need,

In this time of great demand,

When those around me choose to kneel,

I choose not and so, I stand.


Though it cause my voice to quake,

I'll steady out my shaking hand,

Because I have a choice to make,

I cannot yield and so, I stand.


Don't think me brave for I am not,

This is not a thing I planned,


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