The Itch Explained
I feel an itch
On my back
What is this
On my back
Nothing is there
Just the itch
I thought it was a hair
What’s this pain
In my face
And my glands
They are blowing up
All over the place
Now a spot on my head
It’s red
It burns
What’s this mess
On my face
Something isn’t right
It’s keeping me up at night
It’s Shingles ...
Friday 24th June 2022 1:28 pm
When the road gets bumpy
Hold your head high
It’s ok to cry
But never forget why
You’re choosing this path
It will make you stay strong
And the smooth road ahead is long
Though stability brings comfort
Positive change brings peace
You have to let go
And negativity will cease
It’s never easy to love and let go
But it is much harder to carry the burden of not reap...
Friday 17th June 2022 1:50 pm
The Movement
Not all movement
Comes from simply
Blowing in the breeze
Take action
Make movement
Assume not
Until you ask
We all are on
Common ground
I will meet you
In the air
Saturday 11th June 2022 4:35 pm
Squeaky Peekers
Redeem the natural
See the reason for peeking into endless realness
Onto the big rusty red wagon with traction wheels
Fix on down the road
A mighty fine truck
Going so fast
Taking it in slow
Timely matters falling into spot
Coming to cast
Winding and unwinding sporadically
Monday 23rd May 2022 9:36 pm
Sunrise Sunset
So windy, all of the time
Swirls around every thought
Twirling in my mind
My thoughts of you are so kind
Never confined to motionless
As you blow on my windows
Rattling the screens
You make the traffic louder
From far away where it can’t be seen
Then you pause
Rustling around the leaves
Your presence lurks through the trees
With this breeze
Sunday 8th May 2022 12:49 am
Small Talk
I’ll talk to you on the train
On a plane
In the snow
Or the rain
I’ll talk to you because
I’ve got nothing to lose
Nothing to hide
Or exclude
But lets not be rude
Try no to spit on me
When you tell me
How your car broke down
Or don’t frown
When I eye you down
Tell me something new
About you
The world
Your brother
Another state
But I decl...
Wednesday 4th May 2022 7:50 pm
Waiting Around
Just waitin’ around for that call for that smile
Just waitin’ around to wait around for awhile
Always waiting always expecting
Always on the verge of disrespecting
Disrespect because its nature
To want
And to get what you expect
Forces of nature force nature to feel discontent
Perhaps its part of the human myth
Ask and I will answer
Give and you shall get
...Wednesday 13th April 2022 4:01 am
Beating Seeds
It’s eating
It’s seeding inside
Its dreaming
Its pushing inside
Its what we are believing
And directing our minds
Its everywhere around us
That keeps us alive
Its stemming
Its maturing inside
Its accepted
Hiding inside
Its finding
Its living inside
Its growing
Everywhere around
Into the outside
...Thursday 3rd March 2022 8:02 pm
The Colors of Black and White
It makes not difference to me whether you are black white or green
It makes no difference to me whether or not you want to be heard, smelt or seen
It makes to difference what you choose to wear
Do you think I give a f*** about your hair
So what is the care
Between the perception of yours and the eyes that stare
What is the care
Revolving through this air
Shy away through ti...
Tuesday 22nd February 2022 5:16 pm
I’ll pick up the ashes
You get the smoke
Climbing up branches
Made of soap
While muddy streets
Fill with fish
The king of might
Diminished lady delight
Wishing with will
All remains still
As the wild wind blows
Window shutter thrashes
Scattering around the ashes
The wild wind smokes
Burning up the branches
That were made of soap
Combining stances
...Friday 18th February 2022 4:29 pm
Just Waitin Around
Just waitin’ around for that call for that smile
Just waitin’ around to wait around for awhile
Always waiting always expecting
Always on the verge of disrespecting
Disrespect because its nature
To want
And to get what you expect
Forces of nature force nature to feel discontent
Perhaps its part of the human myth
Ask and I will answer
Give and you shall get
...Tuesday 15th February 2022 10:11 pm
Hanging out with you is like wearing a pair of boiling piggy toes. Hot and chawed, concave bubbles of saw dust and sand. Blown away, cancelled and clad.
Take me away with nothing and everything at all. Here is the way to the blade of grass that I would like to plump my behind upon.
Cushion my fall you are doing nothing at all. I see that from my helicopter, you are a tiny car, brok...
Saturday 12th February 2022 7:54 pm
Meandering around wanderers paths
Turn about one half degrees
(Whispers) only in the breeze
Can feel you walking alongside the circuitry
Striking reflective attitude of self and self inquiries
Now we continue to stand
Side by side
Walking on the moss
Pulsating cool, damp, comfortably gravitated on the ground
Friday 11th February 2022 10:23 pm
As in Itself
Breathe it in or just let it out
Blend mind work with instances of familiarity on the subject matter
Matter the mind for the sake of continuous combustion craziness
It all goes down
After the sun
Before the moon
Sometime before noon
Halt with a thought
Keep it flowing
Down the river path of water covered in rocks
Throw in the air, thorns of illusion
Illusion to envi...
Wednesday 9th February 2022 11:42 pm
Thank You Ma’am
You torched my beam
Scorched me
Brighter than any human eye can fathom
I was running parallel with you
You stopped across my tracks
Took me blind
And said ‘thank you ma'am for being so kind’
As you packed up your door
Heading down your tracks
You may sit back
This blinded headlight
Was travelin’ in the wrong car
It was travelin’ so long, so t...
Saturday 5th February 2022 9:10 pm
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