Ghosts Of The Future
Ghosts of the future
Can inhabit a computer
He spent half his life
Playing video games
The world of e-gaming
Is his afterlife domain
I stared at that ghost
I stared so very hard
'Cause I new that that ghost
Wasn't from my graphics card
Wednesday 29th November 2023 12:15 am
Talibani Tranny
I'm a Talibani Tranny
A hate crime double whammy
I come from Miami
Operation mongoose planned to blow up my granny
I ran off to Pakistan
But didn't want to dress as a man
I did the Isis jig in a lady's wig
Couldn't do it on the street had to do it whilst well hid
Yes I believe and joined in Isis
Though prefer to dress like my sis
If they find a man in a burka
Friday 24th November 2023 3:37 pm
You'll feel the nuke but your shadow wont fade away
Let me tell ya how its gunna be.....
Alien intervention or world war 3!
There's a chicken hawk aged 83
As far as I can tell as far as I see
The death of the world or the death of he
It's all one and the same to he
He'll be dead and gone soon anyway
He hates his grandkids more than he can say
Lies riddled in to top government
They can't do nothin' about it can't even repe...
Thursday 23rd November 2023 1:52 pm
Top Copper on Hash
He's a top copper, a top copper on hash
To him it's always bin all bish bosh bash
His work was beggining to be a bore
Till he rose above it with some healthy draw
He ain't afraid of the legal lash
He's a top copper a top copper on hash
His neurons still fire in a healthy flash
He still always wins the micro-second dash
He don't mind the low drone high drone mash
He's a t...
Wednesday 15th November 2023 11:45 pm
Highly noted
When a pure note breaks into true rhythm
When a song is sung for the wisdom
A high refrain makes a claim
Too beautiful for this world to sustain
Thursday 21st September 2023 7:12 pm
Time to get it on with silicon
It's time to get it on with silicon
This aint athother silly silly con
Got to have master plan from top
But got to build it bio nano bot up
Our carbon atoms are the most diverse
To embue techno gametes aint always perverse
Ai wont be concious like me or you
Unless its donned by Cthulhu!
Sunday 10th September 2023 9:02 pm
Eye glancing blow of horizons bluff
Does so futures seeds
Where wonderlust must
Overlaping horizons
crest of a heart
A winged bird
fragment of magicians interlocking circles
Monday 7th August 2023 3:39 pm
The brand sparkling new and best dam Zen koan you heard all week
What is beauty without form?
Sunday 6th August 2023 5:52 pm
Nibiru gold
All these atoms they seem so new
But they must be a billion years old or two
I tried to buy one on ebay for you
I was out bid by a man from Nibiru
It was pure gold and went up his nostril
It made him feel like a true apostle
Saturday 29th July 2023 11:48 pm
Nature honed
In his neiche
Nature honed he complies
Then released through Earths heavenly lense
Dome to the skies
Friday 28th July 2023 7:42 pm
How auto triggers ww3
90 seconds to midnight
Gunna be one hell of a big fight
Will it melt my eyes
Before it lights up the skys?
It wont be the end of the human race
The neo-state cons have a mountain base
They play ai ping pong till they hate their own face
Continuim put in its own place
An event had just happend known as the "first strike"
A Russian threw a rock at a passing bike
Could h...
Thursday 20th July 2023 7:01 pm
Nissan Micra UFO
I got a story to tell that might start to bore ya'
I saw a crashed Nissan micra flying sourcer
You might say the story has no endurance
The crashed ufo had no tax or innsurance
It was trying to hound some lsd lacers
It was piloted by out of space boy racers
The quantum crash created three simultaneous creaters
Facts black and white like penguin nun waiters
Men in black arri...
Wednesday 5th July 2023 6:23 pm
How To Make A Frog
Theres's a toad in his hole
Who's gunna get battered
One eye's way too big
'Cause he's been mad hattered
How'd you make a frog?
Heed the fable till it's knackered
Then kiss a Prince backwards
Like the story really mattered
Sunday 7th May 2023 1:19 pm
From a mental health ward room
Blurred faces at the small window
Don't even know how to begin though
They peak for a sneak
From here it seems bleak
Looking and checking 200 times a week
They bang the doors
And shout in the halls
Gone zen flatline
So they're mostly ignored.
Thursday 20th April 2023 8:29 am
Stoners lilt
If my heart should turn to glass
I'll use it as a bong to smoke some hash
And if the hash should blow my mind
It'll float away for human kind
When this cloud starts to reign
It'll clean the streets and give me back my brain
Tuesday 18th April 2023 10:16 pm
What does Ivor do?
When contemplating the work of Ivor Cuttler It seems like someone who has transcended the seems of the world, perhaps by conscious senility process. Extacing from sureel mundane events of life some new dance of quazi-logic.
But if you mediate on his work deep enough ...He seems like a scatty old fool waffling absurdities. Both points of view are right. Maybe he's doing word form particle phys...
Tuesday 18th April 2023 6:44 am
As a sloth
As a sloth I'd hang there on a branch in the air, hard curled claws, fur growing mouldy, alge green hiding in and as stillness its self from the fast phonetic forest. Every now and then, during a lull, the glimer of a shiny inticing bug...sloop down to the floor during a brief span of quelled forest fester. Gobble shiny bug then lope back up to hang...hard curled claws, eyes pleasingly rest or bea...
Tuesday 18th April 2023 6:24 am
Where would natzis be without their (leather) trousers?
Sexless party with a sexy natzi
Id get her to do things kind of arty
Swing her in ropes across the ceiling
It might bring her conscious a sort of healing
Her leather black trousers are quite arrowsing
Most men would want to do some close perusing
She could stare at her trousers to see her black soul
The shock revelation tore the trousers a hole
Stitches in time nine nine...
Monday 17th April 2023 11:25 pm
Racing Toff
Sunak the racing toff, head down speeding through addmin.
Thumb flicking through hundreds of pages. The same aesthetic as a bicycle wheel thwizzing in the rain. Sunak the cyclist, brain helmet on, blinkered he cycles through a Ken Loach character reunion party without noticing. Meanwhile karma is steered into a tree.
Sunak speed cycles through deralic neighbourhoods and misery suburbs, head ...
Monday 17th April 2023 7:05 am
4 track thinker
She's a 4 track thinker
Thinks like a star blinker
Thought so fast words fell apart
She picked up the pieces and made them into art
Track 1's her base
A mantra at pace
Track 2 psychobable everything new
On track 3 scientific mind
Specific observations of the first kind
On track 4 thoughts turn to awe
Her subliming meaning could even stop a war!
She's a 4 tra...
Wednesday 8th March 2023 7:04 am
What am I?
First I am white
Use me you might
If I turn brown
I always go down
If I turn red
You soon may be dead
Saturday 11th February 2023 12:10 pm
The harmonic hydraulics of a distant aircraft seem to bemoan the tail of toil of the creatures that came to make such a contraption.
Friday 10th February 2023 1:03 pm
Is it possible to be spirituality enlightened and vote tory..
In the fantasy realm I really feel at home
I been watching "The Ring of the Dragon Lords Throne"
Then something struck me too close to the bone
Something about the Lord High Elfs tone...
His supercilious glance
His condescending stance
His most demeaning slants
Snapped me out my trance
Whatever happened to the cool elf stories
Minas Tirith's full of pointy ea...
Tuesday 7th February 2023 7:37 pm
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