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What's Of The Heart

What’s of the eyes if not to see -

a darkness on the land,

perpetuated by a world

that will not understand.


What’s of the ears if not to hear -

a silence through the night.

A deafness born of leaders with

no care of what is right.


What’s of the lips if not to speak -

a fading muffled voice,

drowned out by those in power who

refuse the people’s choice.


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warhatedecay of freedomworld history

White Rose

In a world full of people

so lost in the fight

I’ve not met another like you,

who midst all the crowd

stands out in the night…

as the white rose of all that is true.

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purityhonestybeing true


Midst fear and doubt,

when prayers have ceased,

unannounced, without a sound,

returns the clouds

and falls the rain…

again on barren ground.

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waiting for reliefthis too shall pass


Do what you must to ensure they don’t see.

Rationalize and pretend it won’t be.


Wish it away to escape from it all.

Cover it up like the paint on the wall.


Cloak it in layers of varying hue,

carefully crafted to keep it from view.


Do what you can with all effort and might.

Make every move just to keep it from sight.


Do what you must but in time you will ...

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The Smallest Of Triggers

I hate how I feel

although common it seems,

having been once again

what I swore I’d not be.


Yes, despite all the talks

that I’ve had with myself,

making promises to

put the past on the shelf.


Asking Heaven to help me

and forming a plan,

putting forth my best effort

to do all I can.


But so quickly it seems

to unravel and fray,

as I lea...

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Hell Bent

Running out of time to act,

flashes in the mind.

Running out of everything,

too late to hit rewind.


Wake and take a hammer to it,

crush it to the bone.

Pulverize what’s left of it,

make sure all life is gone.


Disregard the letters

in the alphabet arranged,

set to spell the answers out

cuz no one wants the plain.


Go on, drink the poison down.


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Addictiontrapped in addictiontrapped in a cycle

Frozen Pride

This world of ice.
Forged in frozen sheets,
layer upon layer.
So many attempts to thaw,
daily melting.
Weeping alone, hidden tears
drip from the tips
of every cycle formed.
Crying out, wishing to remain
and finally end the pain,
but it’s hard to move

in the cold.

Days are short.

The sun sets
into lonely frost,

silently creeping in.
Progress made to flow
turns again to ic...

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pridestubborn pridesaying sorry

Quiet Example

Tis an interesting thing to consider yet

the value of a quiet example set.


Like the crystal streams, or the mountain air –

consistent, constant, always there.


Blessing every soul who happens by.

Never asking who, never asking why.


Giving joy just by being who they simply are.

Giving light through the night like a brilliant star.


Giving hope to the cr...

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Born of hearts desire,

flame of inner fire.

Dies to quiet fear,

fades and disappears or,


rises like a dove

to the atmosphere above

of contempt and envy

where mediocrity reigns.


For doth not heat rise into the hovering cold

and light disperse into the black of night?

Indeed so.


But greatness finds a way

when guarded day by day.


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being greatachieving your dreamsrising to the top

What's Left Of Love

Too many nights, too many times

I've woke in sweat and had to find

a way to push you out again,

and pray once more that this will end.


That from my heart you'll finally leave

and not come back into my dreams.


For I am old enough to know

the years have made our love run cold.

And I am wise enough to see…

I only love your memory.

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lovelosslost lovemoving on


All we have is time

and what comes down the line.

Don’t ever think it’s more complex than this.


Though the universe - it has no end,

and there is more than one my friend,

too many to be counted. Get the drift?


For we live in eternity,

each day a fiber in a string

that goes on for forever in both ways.


So use the only thing you have -

your choices, for t...

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timeexistencepurpose of life

Coming To Grips

Sitting here thinking, another week gone.

Another small increment moved from the fire.

It feels like it does when you’re just waking up,

half grasping consciousness, half in the mire.


When you’re not quite sure if it’s real or a dream,

the one where no matter your efforts you fail.

In total frustration you claw just to move,

and in the struggle, you miss the details



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regretmental illnessdepression

Smiling Mirages

The sand of the sea, what are they to me?

Smiling mirages that drift by in lines.

Tried building castles but it seems to be,

the waves take them down every time.


I guess there’s a beauty in watching them flow,

like a kaleidoscope, swirling away,

back to their nature where they always go,

leaving me here at the end of the day.


Looking out as the sun sets to the se...

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relationshipspeopledealing with peopleisolationalone in a crowd


Seconds tick as years go by,

both the same to me.

Time and space be mere illusions...

nothing’s as it seems.


Like the wind, we’re drifting on

through endless spiral dreams.

Every sense be our delusion...

nothing’s as it seems.


As a lad I’d sit and wonder

how it came to be.

Found they keep truth asunder...

nothing’s as it seems.

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Memories Etched

I paused today,

put cares away,

relaxed and let

the moment stay.


Saw feathered skies

through children’s eyes,

let time stand still

and realized.


This life of gain

and gathering in,

pursuits of gold,

desires to win.


They offer not

but jaded dust,

doomed to decay

by moth and rust.


And time cares not

nor pardon grants

for fooli...

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making memoriesbest of timesgood times


Can you grasp a piece of midnight,

from the furthest reach of the sky,

when it seems nothing has gone right

and there’s no reason why?


Can you see yourself from the shadows,

in the place you’ve been hiding there,

then come to grips with who you are

and finally breathe the air?


For birds believe they’re born to fly.,

each seed knows it will grow.

So likewise...

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dreamspotentialreaching you potential

World History

One struggles beneath the ever-bearing hand of tyranny.

One rises up in revolution, wanting to be free.


One gives his life a soldier so the rest might live in peace.

One celebrates in freedom as they cheer throughout the streets.


One starts his life from nothing but is free to make his way.

One has more than his father at the ending of the day.


One worked for very ...

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historyworld historyfreedom cyclecollapse of freedomgiving up freedom

This Time Around

Let it go,

let it flow -

cut it with your words.

Slash at every piece of it

until it finally hurts.


Tear and open up old wounds,

pouring in the salt.

Take aim at it and fire away,

pinning down the fault.


Yeah, all those little thing

that you pathetically hold

onto so desperately

as you continue to get old.


You’re like the dog the scripture say...

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goodbyepiss offI'm throughleaving a bad relationship

Pivot Point

He did it because no one else could have done.

Hands raised in praise, yet so few ever know.

I guess it’s enough just to know that he won,

but there’s more I wanted to understand so


I sought for an answer, unwritten in pen -

why he subjected himself to it all?

Why the injustice from birth until when

the climax when God turned his face to the wall,


leaving him suff...

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christatonementwho demands justice?

End Of The Line

There’s a purpose in the way that it goes.

There’s a reason why things will be fine.

But we tend to only figure it out…

when we come to the end of the line.

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purposepurpose of lifeopening your eyes to see

Silent Flight

What lies beneath a sea of numb

where ships of heart were taken down?

Sunk to the bottom with the one

I hated and I meant to drown.


For in its hull it carried pain

instead of what its purpose was

and thus, I had immense disdain

because it never carried love.


So yes, I set it in my sights

then fired all I had and more.

Carpet-bombing through the night

to s...

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emotionlessempty insidelost emotionshurt by love

Quiet Now

You sit there rocking,
no more people talking,
drifting with the wind across the grain.
It’s peaceful like you planned it.
No one make’s demands it’s
quiet now and every day’s the same.

It’s a shame
that something pure and free,
became a ball and chain tied to misery.
Like an island separate from the land,
the waters made you miss the life you planned.

So you sit there rocking,

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isolationbeing alonepushing the world away


Death transcends the toll of time.

Stands beneath a smoke-filled sky.

Spirits rise up from the past,

row by row from first to last.


Like silhouettes of lifeless trees

against the sun, no foot can flee.

Then sink they into desert sand…

as hate consumes the life of man.

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wardeathtragedyhuman historyworld history

Captain My Captain

The wind seems to blow when the cold settles in.

Darkness will fall after shadows begin.

The end truly came long before you were through,

now everyone is going to miss you.


Captain, my captain now gone to the sky.

Words can’t describe all the reasons we cry.

The circle’s complete now, there’s no reason why.

Captain, my captain… goodbye.


…Tribute Robin Williams

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suicidemental illnesstragedy

Not There Before

You saved them but then fell again,

the circle’s in the sky.

Divided fence and happenstance

don’t care if it’s a lie.


Tomorrow’s way fades into grey

and blue melts into black,

as silent sounds in crushing rounds

creep in for the attack.


An empty stage and crumpled page

bleed deep into your brain.

Don’t ever sleep. Don’t ever weep.

Don’t ever feel the pain...

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prayermaking a differencepraying for someone

No Arrival

I charted once a course to gold,

a place wherein I might take hold

of everything I ever wished.

Retire there; enjoy the bliss.


But every time I thought that I

was finally there, I’d stop and try

to take my rest and grab the things

that I expected such to bring.


But each time I found to my dread,

the land of gold lay still ahead.

And on and on this cycle went


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no being contentmissing the purposebeing blind

Sunset Memory

An old porch swing made once for two.

Cool night breeze calling out to you.

Ten thousand memories rise above,

the sunset waters of our love.


Just like the day slips into the night,

the love we had that was oh so right

it slipped away. It slipped away,

like day slips into night.


Was our love doomed to come and pass,

one day as fire, one day as ash?

Night afte...

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lovelosslost lovelonging

Empty Seats

Take a church full of sinners with issues galore,

each needing profoundly the grace of the Lord.

Some trapped in addiction, some weighed down in sin,

some struggling with faith, some who tried but gave in.


Some filled with anger and some with regret,

some who cannot forgive, but there’s one group I fret -

the judgmental crowd. They make it so tough,

thinking they have no ...

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Prayer Of The Modern Day Pharisee

Sinners & publicans. Pharisees, scribes.

Unto neither of these could I ever subscribe,

for I read of these groups in the scriptures each day

and both make me feel to exclaim when I pray:


“Oh praise be that I’m not as other men are,

like those sinners and publicans, God keep me far

from their damnable words and their damnable deeds,

and more so than this, Oh God keep m...

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religious hypocracyhyprocritehypocrisy

Next In Line

It feels kind of like someone gave me a drug,

mixed for the purpose of stamping out love.


Slipped like a Mickey when I was away.

Slammed down the hatch and now all I can say


is, "I don't know why I feel nothing at all."

Head like a hammer straight into the wall.


Black coat of tar dripping straight from my heart.

Struggle for breath while still acting the part.


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cyclesbreak the cyclefamily traitsescaping fate

All That Will Remain

Always searching for the next good time

and what the world can bring.

Always looking for the next big deal

and what it’s offering.


Never thinking very far ahead

or worrying about the cost.

Never wanting much to understand

or caring what gets lost.


Always thinking I don’t need to change,

believing that I’m fine.

Always doing what I want to do

and taking ...

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B'Jangled Tourette's

Bah ratcha tas contavalaz

you rase-neflapher’d wagicaud!

Condaver haufin polysnip!

I’ll tell you just where you can stick

your pi-calogin traginine!

You heard me right you doboline.

Go rosigate your dodgisnap

you traginated jollipap!

Xysnerf neflected nillidip!





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humorhumorous poetry

One Cell


as fast as you can.

Red shades of dismal

flowing fear

melt to the glass of sand.



in the hollow hidden dry.

Drink down the spell

of earth and hell

indifferent to the sky.



forever un-seamed.

Face down amidst

the death of sound,

black holes of melody.



to the blood of setting sun.

From spiral dreams

look down at ...

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Picture frame the moments. 

In diaries write them down. 

Hold on to such with all you have

for times will come around,

when they will be all that you have

to make it one more day. 

And on that day let all else go…

then you will find the way.

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The Grind

I must have wished a thousand times
that somehow we could live our lives
for something more.

And I can’t help but wonder why
we strive to keep so much in line,
what is it for?

Can’t you see we spend our time
building what we call “The Grind”,
finding ways to numb the pain it causes.

Blind leading the blind.

Can’t you see we spend our time
building what we call “The Grind”.

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lifedrudgeryurbanizationloss of nature

Shallow Breath

Soft moonlit eyes that paralyze.

Unbridled passion on the rise.

The room afire in fading light.

Fragrant desire fills up the night.


As worlds dissolve, so unaware.

Entangled in your casual stare.

Nowhere to hide.  No way to see.

No self-control inside of me.


Slow motion moves through tangled time.

In shallow breath I feel that I’m

adrift upon your velvet sea...

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loveinfatuationin lovehelplessly in love

He Could Have

He could have come to rule the world,

he should have been a king.

He could have had all that he want,

but then what would it bring?


For he knew who he was and also

what the world would need.

Thus, he chose life a poor man’s son

who lived a life to bleed


upon the cross, between two thieves,

completely left alone.

‘Twould seem at glance a failure

in this w...

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Daughter Of God

You’re not what you think.
Things aren’t as they seem.
Lived your whole life
against what you believe.
I know that it’s hard not to
look at yourself
feeling like you are lost,
could have been something else.

Feeling like there’s no hope
given all that you’ve done,
like there’s no way back to

the light of the sun.
But trust me, that’s non-sense,

a literal fraud!
The truth is y...

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godgod's lovepersonal worthchild of god


Balancing midst them both, two lives at once.

Split down the middle and torn at the seams.

Tiptoe the balance beam, pleasing the ones

who know only one side of things.


Confliction, a way of life down to the core.

From every angle, two people ‘twould seem.

Not yet discovered a way to be more,

so both lives are not but a dream.


Illusions, acts on stage, fulfillin...

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torndouble lifetrying to please

What I've Learned

They struggle to know how I feel,

yet each question they ask only makes it more real.


And they search for a way to get in.

Hell, the door isn’t locked, it just blocked from within.


They remember the way that I was.

Well big deal, so do I and I don’t know the cause.


And they ask it again and again,

“Why can’t you be you back before this began?”


Don’t they...

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mental illness

The Gatherer

The Gatherer and the Giver sat atop a hill to gaze again
down at the village where they lived, and talk about the ones in need.
At end of day as sun went down, they sat there talking in the dim
as soul by soul they contemplated what was the best way to feed.

They did this often for they knew, despite the many years gone by,
the need to gather and to give would always be in high demand.

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Show Me The way

Someone had to show me the way,

though much of the time I just followed mine

so you watched from the distance, I know.

But it’s clear to me now, wish I’d seen it somehow

and done more to make sure that you know -


your example means more than the whole world to me,

for you stood your whole life for what’s true.

Yeah, somebody had to show me the way…

Mom, I’m grateful th...

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Online Best Of Who?

I can see it in your eyes from across the room,

makes my heart ache, it’s a mistake - why do you

compare the self-view, dark-hue worst of yourself

to the online best of who?


Gosh dammit! I can’t stand it! If I had a single wish –

open windows, heal the widows and the few.

Those who give it all away, feel they fail some way

to the online best of who.


Wanna burn...

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self esteemself imagecomparing livessocial media


A million things swimming around in my head.

Things I could say that should never be said.


Things I could tell that you’d never believe.

Things that I’ve seen that are too far to see.


Things that I’ve heard that are not made of sound.

Things that I know which have never been found.


Things that could change the world. Things that could heal.

Things that would ter...

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Sides Of The Coin

The battle before us -

“The Left and The Right”,

calling to everyone,

“Join in the fight!”


Calling, demanding -

“Which side are you on?”

The Left or The Right

not the right or the wrong.


Dividing while fighting

not missing a day.

Not doing or proving

they mean what they say.


A dog and a pony

make up their whole show,

crafted to hide


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politicsleft wingright wingcorruptionpolitical corruption

Same Old Song

The torn remain

of what was plain

waves now ore frozen ground,

in winds that blow

cold ice and snow

and other feelings down.


There isn’t much

left in a touch

to calm the trembling hand.

For winter’s chill

falls colder still

in cloak across the land.


The settled dust

and cankered rust

guard safe against the grain,

while fading dim

from deep ...

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lovelossheartachelost love


Blind keepers,

mind readers,

throw them in the pod. 

Make them think they have a way

to see through all the fog. 


Let them start with nothing,

they’ll grow up and think they’ve won. 

Set the stage so from the play 

they’ll add things one by one.


They’ll come up with conclusions

thinking they’ve figured it out,

and all the while just watch them

cuz that...

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truthexistencepurpose of life


Naive enough to believe that it's true –

the world spins around the old red, white and blue.


God set it up, and so surely it's his.

He'll keep it forever, I’m sure his plan is


to return some fine day and then next I suppose,

he'll start a campaign and go after your vote.


He'll take out some ads and he'll put up some signs.

He'll make lofty promises, "Thin...

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Jesus Christchristsecond coming

When The Darkness Falls

It’s colder now and seems somehow

more empty than before.

I wish I’d known the future then,

and what it held in store.

No longer is there will of heart

to venture form these walls,

and so I sit alone inside…

when the darkness falls.


Each stone hand crafted for the cause

to block away the pain.

The mortar mixed to guarantee

no feeling will remain.

A mist ens...

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The Eye Of The Storm

Once crashed the waves in tempest’s storm,

and blew the wind as sails were torn.

Once drove the rain against frozen skin

as darkness took the vessel in.


Once void of any hope at all,

trapped deep inside the prison’s wall,

beneath the crushing weight of lead

but faintest light shown from ahead.


Then in a moment, skies were clear

and ocean’s calm dispelled the fe...

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addictionrelapseaddict falling

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