The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

The End Of Time

The sun sinks slowly behind a distant horizon,

It’s dying lustre, once a raging cauldron of power and light,

Now merely a spiritless glow in the darkening sky above.

Silently descending ever closer toward its grave.

No more the proud ruler of a mighty solar system.


As it expires, we too are drawn unceasingly to inevitable doom.

Unseen light that first began to fade over dist...

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Cosy On Up To Me

Cosy on up to me
by the fire on the settee.
I couldn’t dream of a better place
to gaze into your eyes, your face
your heart.
A heart that once you gave away
won and lost in a single day
or so it seemed.
Now a mere memory
no longer the dream
of hopes and plans
of sharing your life with another man.
A destiny outside your control
however unfair, however cold.
A cruel twist of fate
at ...

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The Beauty Queen

The softest music filled his ears,

The sweetest scents allayed his fears.

The smoothest skin he’d ever touched,

Opened up a heart that once he’d shut.

She filled his mind in constant thought,

With brand new feelings he’d been caught.

A cocktail of exquisite taste,

When shaken up revealed her face.

With eyes tightly closed he pictured her,

He’d never met a girl so fair.


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Under Our Blue Umbrella

Under our blue umbrella we shelter from the rain,

It pours down woes aplenty and

Burdens us with blame,

We take on board the accusations, trouble and the strife,

After all it’s why we’re here, our belly full of life.

Then all at once, out of the spinning wheel of fortune,

We’re flung into the frame.

We’ve both had pain and suffering

And think that we’re to blame.

All too...

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Some said time would heal the wounds of the past.

Some said time would heal the wounds of the past,

With distant memories blurring the facts.

And yet all around us people still judged, did they seriously believe

We’d again have it so good, and forget that a loved one had died.


Left alone with our thoughts, a different story was told, if only they knew of the truth.

We hadn’t allowed the scars to fade, we just searched for a wa...

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To Richard

No more confusion, no more pain,

Just a stillness of mind at the ending of time.

Another leaf’s fallen, unseen by the world.

But I watched the fall.

A silent descent,

But I heard the call.

He cried out, there was fear in his voice,

He tried to give comfort now removed of the choice,

Allowed one brief moment to make himself heard,

Just one direction, unable to turn.



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There was a path deep in the woods,

Beneath the leaves

Hidden by shadows cast by giant trees.


There was also a current under the sea

Beneath the waves

Hidden by black rocks and misty sprays.


There too was a voice carried on the wind

Calling your name

But drowned by the clatter of driving rain.


Yet the moon in the night sky

And the sun in the day


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