The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


Winter fades as spring melts

Distant snow like gleaming candles

Waiting feverishly for

Golden flames of sunlight

Dancing in the summer sun


Racing clouds nod to

Gleeful birds gliding naked and mating

Straddled to wet and swooning trees

Delirious with laughter and primal need


While butterflies fly sweetly

Soft as breath on stone

Cool ice melting fingers


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loveSeasons changesummer

Before the Enemy Comes

They treat our tears with


Hand in hand with

Greedy frustration


They roar like lions and

Block all roads to



They trespass on us

Night and day

Creating for their

Conscience a

Mocking symbol to

Love’s power


Masked creators

Who conjure their lives

On torn pieces of paper


Our kings and queens

Can never be conquered


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be stronglovepower

Here Shines

Here shines

The dream that binds

The hopes

Given to you

That hears a voice

And runs to find

That shadows

Need love



Here sighs

The heart that tries

To look

For something new

Run to and fro

And back again

To find it all

In you


Here waits

The tender kiss


Veiled spirits cry

A whisper

Of a certain truth

That love ...

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You Made Me Feel Funny

i trusted you

when you said you'd take care of me

and you'd never make me cry

but you took my little hand

and made me touch you

you made me feel funny


i loved you

'cause i was only five

and you took my little hand

and walked me up the stairs

to play a baby game

that you said i would like

but you made me feel funny


i believed you

when you told me ...

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Wounded Flowers

Hear the shuffled footsteps drag upon the cold alone

Looking for a distant stone an ancient memory

Dryness caked upon the ground with lives that never were

Looking for a trace of wounded flowers


Rows of dying blossoms dripping open in the rain

Satyrs running naked in the summer nights of love

Cracked and dripping idols close their eyes against the pain

Blinded aged still ...

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