Bits and Pieces
When I read your words,
When I hear your voice,
When your emotions run across the page
Your soul exposes itself
But in fact
I know only pieces,
Small portraits in time,
And I want to know more.
Details won’t change
The impact you’ve had on me
But they’d refine the picture,
The person I’ve come to know.
Call me crazy but when we finally sit at a cafe,
...Tuesday 13th August 2024 2:08 am
drowning in poetry
a poem of longing
a poem of remembrance
a poem of rage
a poem of hope
a poem to slip into your mind
a poem to never forget the story
a poem to purge the feelings
a poem of healing
do you ever get the feeling
we’re drowning in poetry?
day by day
inundated by poetry.
everywhere you go,
another platform,
another social network
for poets...
Tuesday 16th March 2021 7:43 pm
listen to her
inside of you,
that constant voice
knows you better
than anyone else.
she’s been there
when no one else was.
she knows she’ll never
steer you wrong.
she’ll direct you forward,
& retract you
from uncomfortable situations.
no matter if they say otherwise,
listen to her.
friends know a side of you,
your lover knows another,
but she knows...
Monday 15th March 2021 9:06 pm
The Gentle Birdsong Calling of Spring
it's right underneath,
brewing under my chest
this quiet whisper circling-
not spiraling downwards as
i often tend to, but in a way a
gentle breeze swirls a handful
of leaves and they flutter away.
there's an inquisitive nature
to it where there is somehow a
sense of magic at hand, and yet
somehow there must be a reason
to it all. a scientific process that
Tuesday 2nd February 2021 9:44 pm
the lull of the storm
the pitter-patter of droplets upon my windowpane
tap relentlessly
blowing left & right
remind me of the storm we once created
now settled deep into my mind
oh, to get swept up in your storm
the intensity of your words
the passion brewing & spilling over
the constant wind whipping & striking
before the longest lull
most nights i now sit and wait
for your storm
to consume...
Wednesday 29th July 2020 9:08 pm
Our Song
Spinning the same song
that connected us
gets harder to hear.
Each verse cuts deeper
into what never was,
what could have been,
the longing to be near.
With my fingertips crossing your beard,
your fingers grazing my thighs,
those longing sleepless nights
I’ve waited to be alongside
the one that knew the depth
of my emotions,
facing eye to eye.
...Sunday 17th May 2020 8:03 am
Separated Not By Love
You set the scene,
describe it so perfectly;
what we’ll do
what I’ll wear
where we’ll go
from the first moments of excitement
to the height of pure ecstasy
But love,
it’s a trembling sensation
that leaves me wanting;
wanting to lay with you,
to feel your warmth next to me
The cool breeze from the window
attempts to ease
the burning between us
but fails as we don’t...
Thursday 14th May 2020 11:11 pm
Our (Mis)Fortune
Your hand slips into mine,
the fortune-teller notices
our smiles with glittering eyes
she’s convinced
there’s a future between us
she smiles & invites us in
Laying down cards one by one
it reveals the betrayal and secrets
that will keep us
from the love that has swept us into a whirlwind
We turn to each other stunned
but a laugh begins,
she replies, “Sorry, no refunds”
Tuesday 21st April 2020 5:04 am
Sunday Thoughts
Two lone souls
believing they stand out in the crowd
do they really
or are they the same as everyone around
they feel like they're special, profound
no one must feel the same
but they do,
they all want to be loved
they're all searching for the one
Yet there isn't only one for you
there are quite a few
as they've slowly come in and out of view
this one here...
Monday 13th April 2020 2:20 am
Nightly Routine
Late at night
Lying in bed
Headphones on
Listening to music
Or a few recorded poems
Reading the latest
I attempt to craft a new one
Or brush up a draft not quite finished
It’s becoming routine
I’ve always been
An undercover poet
Now I’m sharing my words
With my family’s support as an added bonus
Shared are the happenings,
The disappointments,
The contests never won,
Saturday 4th April 2020 5:41 pm
Drove to See You
I drove down to see you
stood in your doorway unannounced
you were there with another
I again felt like an outsider
I didn’t belong
after I wrote you at length
many love songs
My poems wrapped in a box
delivered but only to be forgotten
my heart still in shock
you were going away
never to be seen again
until the month of May
when I would fly thousands of miles
just to see that smil...
Sunday 29th March 2020 5:43 am
The Truth Within
I’ve drowned, too
trying to stay afloat
swimming in those eyes of ocean blue
navigating through hypnotic moves
and poetic words
that make you feel
he only has eyes for you
But in truth,
you’re another hole
he’s been trying to fill
another escape
to let his mind erase
the truth within
“Was I Just Another One?”
Saturday 21st March 2020 3:58 pm
The Haunting
Is it better to have a love lost
Not knowing about the other side
To have a deep hole in your heart
To keep what was lost in the past
And always wonder ‘what if’
Or to have it come back,
Haunt you
And realize it was true
Always has been
And he’s thinking of you, too
With thousands of miles away
You both have commitments
There’s no future
Only the p...
Friday 13th March 2020 9:35 pm
The Disposables
We met there in the bar
most nights
the same drink
the same table
conversing over troubles
we leaned on each other
in those long nights
This night
I sit and wait
at the same table
with the same drink
you hadn’t arrived yet
and I linger for hours
Nights like this pass
was it something I said
was there someone new
what was it keeping you
Then you arrive one night...
Monday 2nd March 2020 2:06 am
Another Love Poem
How many times does it cross your mind
Maybe a thousand times
I’d rather have you near
Than only have your poems reciting in my ear
Sure, they comfort me
But most days and nights I need you miserably
And those heartbreaking songs
They make me feel like we belong
Despite the truth of our existence
I wish to be in your presence
So here’s another love poem
Sunday 1st March 2020 5:27 am
Spiraling down a dark hole
no way out
no way to return
from where I've come
Sucked in by the force
matter dissolving all around
and I, too,
I've seen all,
experienced all
that I need to
I'm going through without regrets,
not looking back
This is who I am now
I fade to black
Friday 28th February 2020 5:03 am
Down on Lovers Lane
Walking down Lovers Lane on that cool October evening
We stopped and lingered there
Stood only inches apart
There wasn’t anything more to say
I wasn’t one for small talk anyway
We both knew what we wanted
I asked that fateful question,
‘What are you waiting for?’
You kissed me
All I can remember is that time stood still
I lost my breath
I lost feeling in my legs
I crashed to the gro...
Thursday 27th February 2020 3:58 am
Lost and Found
Let me help you flip the switch
Scratch that itch
that’s been burning
For some time we’ve been yearning
for each other
Under the moonlight
we reach for a lover
that’s been like no other
I’ve longed to hold you,
to have you close to me
to feel you envelop me
to have our hands intertwine
to graze my fingers across your body and across your lips
to rest my hand on your cheek
to loo...
Tuesday 25th February 2020 4:06 am
Swallowed by the Shine of the Sun
Sitting in the sun
Soaking up the warmth
Staring out into the distance
Hoping that something will change
Every time I’m in the light
With the rustle of leaves
And birds flying by
Whistling to their mates
Signaling Spring is here
Everything finally feels right
[Feb 2020]
Monday 24th February 2020 3:28 am
Meet Me In The Rain
Meet me in the rain
So I can explain
The sun’s gone
And it’s been too long
I look at your pictures on the wall
I shouldn’t keep them up for too long
I miss the sound of you down the hall
So I avoid the sound of you at all
It’s as if the flood gates of heaven opened up from God’s weeping
Deep down I know it wasn’t you I should be keeping
Thursday 20th February 2020 4:00 am
Calming Waters
Waves crashing
in and out
up and down
pushing and pulling
A knock on the door
beating louder and louder
waking my fibers
restless and unrelenting
Louder it knocks
heartbeat pulsing
anxiety levels rising
these fears in me won't subside
Breathing in and out
imagining the waves
the calming waters
I am one with them
and how they rise aga...
Thursday 13th February 2020 8:55 pm
Wait and See
Standing out by the water
I see you’re alone
Do I care
to bother you
or should I leave you
with your thoughts,
let you decide
if this is what you want
Will you come to me
or do I beg you to stay
in this space
I can see it written
all over your face
You’re in too deep,
taking steps back with a ‘wait and see’
Let me know how that works out
There's no need to scream and shout
Tuesday 11th February 2020 6:12 am
Countdown to Love
As little girls plucking petals one by one reciting,
“He loves me, he loves me not,”
all love and happiness rested on the count of those petals.
If an even number, the girl is bitterly disappointed.
While an odd count surely takes her over the moon with his undying love for her.
If only as adults that love and happiness would be so definitively decided as with the pluck of a petal.
Friday 7th February 2020 4:48 am
Getting To Know You
Getting lost in your deep blue eyes
I simply forget everything else
This is our fantasy, our escape
and there is life outside these four walls
Our wants extend us to stay a little longer
We’ve been waiting for this day
and it’s too soon to walk away
I’d rather have my time
with your body next to mine
I’d rather have my time
getting to know each piece of you, my partner in crime
Thursday 6th February 2020 5:04 am
Awaiting the Day
Without hesitation I drop you a line
Hours later in time
I wait for your reply
Thinking what will it be
And hoping for you to excite me
I’m thinking of you
And wish it would be true
That you’ve been thinking of me, too
My pulsing and racing heart
Awaits the day we’re sprawled out in the sheets
And please, let us be
Like we dream it will be
With our salty, sweet dreams of our bodi...
Tuesday 4th February 2020 1:33 am
One by one counting memories:
an old photograph of us at the beach,
a sweater that won’t rid itself of your scent,
books and CDs that you lent,
I’ve packed them away
They won’t see another day
I’ve packed the boxes,
made the plans,
the rooms are empty
but I am motionless
Is it that familiar look?
Is it the morning glow
that paints itself through the window?
No, it’s the memories ...
Monday 3rd February 2020 6:32 pm
You Never Cease To Captivate Me
I’m not the man for you,
this is true
but does your man, Henry,
make you tremble like I used to?
Does he do things to you like I used to?
He may look nice in his suit
and treat you to dinner
but does he deliver?
Does he cross your mind late at night?
Does he give you butterflies?
Does he bring you your favorite flowers?
I was too much of a coward
I should have loved you
I should h...
Thursday 30th January 2020 4:20 am
The Basis of My Character(s)
These are my characters
Some of them have affairs
Some of them are drowning
While gasping for air
There’s a hint of something there
That may never be
Nothing more
Than a simple connection between you and me
These characters have flaws,
That is true
These characters may seem similar
But trust me,
They’re not based on you
These characters are simply fragments of feelings
Monday 27th January 2020 7:12 am
In a Sea of Lonely Nights
A lonely boy in a sea of lonely nights
in that last hour of the day
capturing words he wishes he had said
writing them down
so they’re out of his head
Music fills the air
soothing the tension
lessening the cares
Take a trip to the other side:
what makes the other person tick,
what makes them come alive,
what’s in their head they’re trying to hide
Sunday 12th January 2020 2:58 pm
Get Lost in the Pouring Rain
So feeble
we fumble
bodies tangling, intertwining
we get lost in the moment,
in the rush
drifting off to our own space
No time like the present
we’re looking for answers in the pouring rain
If you could get by
for one night
without looking for the answers
If you could
for one night
love me just the same
Everybody needs something
to j...
Thursday 2nd January 2020 4:43 am
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