The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.


Precious serpent

Serpent of precious feathers

Wisest of men

It makes too much sense, when you think of it

Everywhere you go, you see precious serpents

Digging their fangs into those less precious

They are vile, but they wear precious feathers

They live in nice houses and exchange pleasantries with the wisest of men

Many serpents look wonderful at first

The paintings are ...

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I Wrote a Poem for You

I was told to write a poem for you

I understand why, it’s a lovely gift

Provided it’s any good

But you think they’re all good

So you will enjoy the poem I wrote for you

I’m not being arrogant, not at all

My poems aren’t good or lovely

They’re just words that barely connect

No rhyme, no reason, no theme.

I still don’t know if I’m trying

If anyone will think it’s good


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I love, many things.

I love Mandarins,

And Pagolins,

And Emperors.

But what’s a Mandarin?

Just a duck you say?

Well you’re right

An Emperor's a penguin

And a Pagolin's a Pagolin

But to me it’s not just a duck 

It’s a Mandarin.

You don’t have to look to see all the world's Mandarins

They come and they leave with you just looking at them

Noticing nothing

I s...

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The Urge to Run

Even as my feet hit the ground 

Even as the movement takes me away

The thoughts still linger in my head - Is it true? Is there something I missed?

There’s always the turning and twisting as my mind rearranges words in my head, trying to find some link I missed

There isn’t but there are some small tinges of doubt

Those can be dealt with, those can be cured 

Not like the unknown, n...

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KrabUrge to Run

No Promises

It’s much easier to say no promises unless it’s to yourself

When someone makes you promise it’s hard, sure, and even scary

Not knowing if you can do it or what it will be

But when you see their face as it twists and lowers, compressed and moulded, you never want to miss a promise again

But to yourself, no guilt to yourself,

Till it’s too late, and the promise is broken.

It was br...

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We want to feel right

It’s pointless, it’s wrong, it’s not the business of anyone but me

It’s just something you do, well not something “you” do 

Just a few seconds lost in the mind saying things out loud like I’m known to

Something about the focus, the frustration it boils into, that even though I’m not angry at all

Not provoked, not right, not even believing what I think 

But the feeling of the focus, ...

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I don’t walk much, no matter how much I dream I could

Whether it be at night or when awake, I dream I could walk and I can but I won’t

I only notice how little steps I make when I see the world has moved, the trees are dead and the grass is cold but I haven’t moved an inch

But everyone else can make leaps.

I never will, what do they do I dont?

Why do I have to be the one who knows h...

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