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love (Remove filter)

Betting on all the odds

I think I'm falling,
But you’re just another guy,
I mentioned you in my prayers.
Cupid is calling,
But in the end I’d just have to say goodbye,
I told my mom about you.
I can’t sleep at night,
You show up in my dreams.
I think I have a crush on you,
No, It’s too good to be true,
I really want to try.
In the end the I’d bet on...

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on a deeper level

I think I like you,

I think I do,

I like your auburn hair,

Your deep brown eyes,

The way you look at me when you smile,

I think I like you,

I really do,

But I can’t get caught up in my naive thoughts of you,

I don’t know you really, 

No not at all,

I don’t know your favorite color,

Or your biggest fear,

What you think the world will come to when it ends,

I wa...

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where we once stood

can’t you see it in my eyes?
can’t you tell by my face?
i romanticized the idea of you,
putting you on a pedestal,
we were surrounded by people but alone,
everyone thought we were incredible, 
but i could tell by the tone,
of your voice,
by the look,
in your eyes,
your perspective was changing,
and so was mine,
scared to be alone with you,
felt alone next to you,
now alone without yo...

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spoken like lovers

we were just friends,
that spoke like lovers,
and that seemed to be enough,
for two people scared to love one another,
awkward tension as I stare,
silently begging you to care,
shoving all my feelings deep inside,
denying to my friends you’re the one I like,
holding eye contact as we’re serving,
it would never work,
still that doesn’t mean we couldn’t try,
but until then...

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