The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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There was nothing much to do…

One was sitting on a bench,

Some was saying words in French,

One was looking at the street,

Tom was shaking his long feet,

John was singing a nice song

Dear Boris struck the gong.

When the evening slowly drew

 There was nothing much to do.

Meg was sitting on a fence,

Bob was showing new pence,

When the boy who was so fat said,

Just like that: I have a nail in my po...

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Ginger's Marriage


Ginger cat decides to marry.

His pussycat lives in the yard.

Tri-color coat she wears wary,

On her lips – a beautiful pomade.

A manicure, eye-lashes, a hat …

Ginger loved all that in his  pussycat.

It was her birthday when he

Made her ​​an offer his wife to be.

Pussycat loved ginger, it was not a spoof,

Wedding ceremony was made on the roof.

An old ...

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I Am a Little Rabbit


- I am a little rabbit, hrum - hrum,

I like sweet carrot, hrum - hrum,

I'm like a ferret, hrum - hrum,

Live in a burrow, hrum - hrum,

Though it's narrow, hrum - hrum,

Now I am eating cabbage, hrum - hrum,

It's for my courage, hrum - hrum.

- Dear little rabbit, tell me your habit.

- Hrum - hrum!

-Happy New Year, dear rabbit!

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