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love (Remove filter)

You know, it happens that...


You know, it often happens that…

People love one another.

They give love to each other in return.

In love affection they both burn.


It also happens that love is cut off

By someone’s an invisible measure.

That measure  just scoffs,

Forgetting that love is a treasure.


It happens…love is boiling of passion

And someone becomes the universe.


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Let the Wind Rage Outdoor...


The last leaf’s falling from the tree

Farewell to autumn!

Snowflakes start their waltzing spree

To better future blossom.


Your hair darling turned to gray

As well as mine.

Our years together – a safety bay,

They are like aged wine.


More often I would love to hug,

To feel your warm embrace,

Near the fireplace to snug,

To kiss your lov...

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Two Destinies, Two Hearts, Two Souls


Two lonely destinies have met at sunset,

Smiled timidly at each other,

Trying the pain of loneliness to smother.


They were still so naïve to believe:

Their meeting was not an accidental.

May be one of them was just mental!?


Two lonely souls didn’t want the doles.

Eye to eye gazed sadly.

They needed love madly.


The world around was sile...

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The Melody of Love


The melody of love!

It’s such a beautiful moment!

When loving eyes meet,

The words you don’t need.

The lightning sparks the hearts,

The holy union starts.

The melody of love was born.

The whole land it would adorn.

It’s divinely beautiful,

It’s graceful and faithful.

It’s virgin pure,

It’s impossible to reassure.

Its gusts are noble,


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What Happiness Is


It’s raining,

All around is boring.

Birds are singing,

I hear them snoring.

Sun is shining,

I’m again whining.

Wind is blowing,

Separation it’s showing.

The phone is ringing,

Happiness it’s bringing.

Birds lovely songs are singing,

Rain drops like bells are ringing,

Sun is brightly shining,

I am no more pining.

Wind is tenderly blowi...

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My Love


I will gather breeze in my palms,

I will hold the wind in my arms,

I will pick you up on my wings,

I will get you free of bitter things.


All my tenderness will be an ocean,

I will show you all my devotion,

I will smooth out your old wounds,

You will hear new beautiful tunes.


I will make you feel drunk,

I will make you find your spunk,

I ...

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I Love


I love,

But seldom speak about it.

I love,

But much tender as before.

I love,

But a bit more careful.

I love,

And with each day much more.

I love,

But not for everyone to see.

I love,

And my love is a glee.

I love,

And I will never regret.

I love,

And I will never forget

Those  beautiful sunrises,

Those innocent lies,


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I Loved


I loved,

But didn’t speak about it.

I loved,

But didn’t show my feelings.

I loved,

But didn’t expose my soul.

I was speechless

And I was tireless

To listen to your words.

For me they were singing birds.

I loved

And I had seen a wonder.

I loved,

Was not afraid of any thunder.

I loved

And heard only your voice.

You were my onl...

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And what will be then?


What will be tomorrow?

Tomorrow will be April.

Hearts will be struck by the love arrow,

They will not be stable.


So, what to do now?

Is it just natures caprice?

Allow your feelings be somehow avowed!

Don’t let your feelings to crease!


Look for the truth in the gentleness of spring!

Ding, ding! Listen to the bells ring!

Forget the trouble...

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I love you like....


I love you

like a sea loves the sunrise.

I love you

like the planes love the sky.

I love you

with all my soul strings.

And…if I had wings

I would fly over the mountains,

over the seas and oceans

with my sincere devotion,

for only one reason,

at any season,

to tell you

how much I love you.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska

February 24th...

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Happy Valentine Day!


I congratulate all those

who are young at heart!

I congratulate you

with the day of highest feeling!

It burns in you and me

up to the madness,

up to the peeling.

I congratulate you all

with the love which is free!

I urge you to worship love!

I beg you not to be afraid of love.

Love as Saint Valentine!

Let your love always shine!

Let it b...

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I Love You, I Love You Not


I love you, I love you not

You laughed at me and I forgot

Forgot the day we’ve met

There’s nothing I would regret


So many hearts were broken by you

But you don’t care and hell with you

It seems to me you never loved

And nothing could excite your blood


How much I want to say I hate you

How much I want to be with you

You are just heartless...

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You Could Call Me


Who told you that love does not exist?

Who told you that our souls turned into ice?

Who told you that our hearts desist

And love has a certain price?


Your words about love turn into autumn leaves:

Yellow, brown, red, some turned into black.

Your words would like to receive a flack.

But…alack…they are just an attack.


You could call me and if I be...

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Your Love


Your love is a beautiful grin,

Your love is a star in my arm,

Your love is a voice of the violin,

It gives my life such a charm.


Your love is a sparkling diamond,

A diamond which do not need polish,

Your love is a beautiful island,

With each day it only flourish.


Your love is a paradise with angels,

It makes me feel always young,

Your lo...

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