The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

love (Remove filter)

Unforgettable Tune

Love has different tunes,

But only once and one we find.

And while anyone it croons,

It is marvelous and kind.


Our tune we’ll always remember,

Though we walk different ways.

It will sound for us forever

Through the years and days.


Our tune we’ll never forget,

As we find it only once.

For someone it’s a clarinet,

For another one it’s a dance.


I am ...

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There are many..., There are a few...

There are many of those with whom you can go to bed, There are so a few with whom you’d like to wake up, And in the morning to greet the day that’s ahead, With a smile to ask your love if it’s already a sunup.   There are many of those with whom you can just live, Drink in the morning coffee, talk and argue or debate, But … there are just a few to whom you can believe And...

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March Is In Love


Winter was admired by March all night

He walked with her along the snowy paths

But her daughter captivated his sight,

With her he dreamed to have the baths.


In ruffled feelings he came back in the mornings

Becoming tipsy of the night’s vision.

He didn’t care about any warnings.

And his fate had quite another decision.


His darling was the spring ...

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I Remember


I remember the joy and confusion.

A touch of your lips was not an illusion.

Almost love, almost fall into the abyss.


I know the secret of loneliness,

It’s a mystery and it is soundness,

The dream that was just a fess.


I run in a hush and in snowy garden

Longing and wishing to say ‘pardon’.

Missing the only one every day harden.


I reme...

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