I watched her eyes
©Leora Rosner
I watched her eyes dance and jitter As her eyelids slowly closed Moving toward an unknown dream Brought on by trees stampeding As they trespassed every open window Their broad leafed invitation Conjuring wings with which to fly Past abbreviated horizons Leaving littered shattered glass Returning to sand Forming beaches Ec...
Tuesday 18th April 2023 2:57 pm
The Brindy Weeze
The Brindy Weeze was tripping
along the cobbled beard
and all the kindled brats
stood ‘midst the thing they feared
‘twas in the clearing brightly black
brats trundled up the leafy vault
then basking in their troubled hearts
they bawled as one,”it’s not our fault!”
A starling winged sky
stood tall and deeply boughed
And then the Brindy Weeze
wailed at t...
Friday 14th August 2020 5:53 pm
It was ninety eight past midnight
on a shining moonless night
as I walked with flaming fagots
‘mongst the clouded dunes so bright
astride a beetled rhino
in equestrian delight
a band of jammied pixies
sat and laughed with all their might
back a ways a distance
a herd of horn billed bats
thundered masticating
the thrills of gin filled rats
then sunken in de...
Sunday 9th August 2020 4:48 pm
There’s a heat wave running wild
There’s a heatwave running wild
Theres a heat wave
Running wild
Oblivious of the borders
Run by the corporate money hoarders
There’s a heatwave running wild
As the stealthy arms of
a monetary system
Poisoned with greed
Consumes everything in its path
There’s a heatwave running wild
while the blind insatiable pockets of we want more
And insurmo...
Wednesday 5th August 2020 11:50 am
The Smatterbog
The smatterbog was tepid
Its fluesence slowly heaving
With every gentle billowing
Of the lively tensile surface
a fragrant wind was passed
making stealthy breezes
titillate leaves of dew
That shed their droplet treasures
into the mouths of steaming crocs
as iridescent dragonflies danced
amongst the reeds
along the bogsome banks.
‘Twas then the spotted hoary...
Saturday 1st August 2020 11:56 am
Jungle Breath
Jungle Breath
she just woke up with jungle breath
lianas swaying left and right
screeching yellow monkeys
had been swinging through her night
the tigers eye and serpents glare
snuck past teeth and tongue
leaving there a fragrance
that quite resembled dung
crocs lay in waiting
in lakes of rippled spittle
and down along the waterfall
the lips d...
Tuesday 28th July 2020 2:02 pm
Riding with the Ghymly
Astride the tri-humped Ghymly
I rode the Widgeon Flat
and tumbled down its windswept hill
to fan the sweating Billawat
the drying droplets crystal clear
hit the sands of dime and dust
exhuming humid threads of steel
weaving roads of silken rust
and so I travelled sight unseen
the Ghymlys’ tread was mute
and by the shores of Kodlawudg
I saw the rolling ...
Sunday 26th July 2020 5:52 pm
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