Only seen a photograph
Only seen a photograph
Will she be fat
Will she be thin.
Will she smell of Garlic
Are her toes crooked.
Are her teeth straight
Does she squint.
I want all of this
Perhaps not the Garlic.
She will be sweet
She will be loving.
Her nature pure
Adventurous, impulsive.
Exploring me
Taking, giving.
Touching feeling
Loving and sure.
Will he be fat
Will he be thin.
Just between th...
Monday 23rd December 2013 4:37 am
Brittle Wings
This is the end of the Wings series, yes the Gods did play a cruel joke on both of us. We were incompatible. The lady flew back to Sweden and I moped for a week or two.
Too Brittle
Wings for me
Feather so light.
Too brittle
For my rough way.
Yours from art
Mine from the mountain.
Flying bird
Flying high.
You escape from
A love.
Escape you have
Love will search for anoth...
Thursday 12th December 2013 11:39 am
I will fly to you tonight
Through owl flecked sky.
Embrace in the dance
Of love delightful.
Kiss your sweet lips
Encircle your waist.
With my arms
Feeling your heat.
Searching for your rose
Petals of mountain dew.
Touching my woman
A wonderful thought.
Look into your eyes
To your very soul.
Kissing your lips
Giving myself to you.
Days speeding by
Soon you fly to...
Tuesday 10th December 2013 7:05 pm
Astrologist advises caution
Don’t be an idiot he says.
I feel he is a skeptic
Soul of a charlatan.
Many would predict
Fortune and fame.
Disaster, lottery and love
I just seem to know.
Not immune from failure
Feeling a fool.
I just know you will be here
For us to love together.
I am resolved not to doubt
But logic dictates.
A contingency to avoid
Disappointment, hurt and hate.
Tuesday 10th December 2013 10:38 am
Living with a Self Harmer
Caring not one jot
For anyone else.
Me, me, me, me
I, I, I, I, I.
No substance
Except abuse.
No excuse
Get on with it.
M u u u meee
Pushing buttons.
Give me your attention
Or I will cut.
Get on with it
The answer.
Dispicable tart
Knicker elastic worn.
I can break you up
I will cut.
Get on with it
Wedge I will drive.
Your stealing my
M u u u meee
I will cut.
Monday 9th December 2013 4:39 am
If music be the food of love
I wish to hear more.
Louder and Louder
Rising to crescendo.
Loves orchestra, wind and strings
Timpani and bass bassoon.
Conducted by the moon
Music to accompany our duet.
Written in the stars
Lines in the milky way.
Falling from the sky
Butterfly and owl the notes.
Natural music, soft, sensual
Likened to Pans’ pipes.
Enchanting, delighting
Moving us to...
Saturday 7th December 2013 3:47 am
The Robins Nest
Building a rockery
Stopping, watching.
Robins’ nesting close
Stop work do not startle.
Stop for incoming worms
Love those birds.
Mouths to feed
Stopping with care and wonder.
Hen and Cock, working to ends
Chicks gaped ochre mouths
Cheeping, stop work, move away.
They cry.
Worm after worm
Rock after rock.
Both building
Only rock is dead.
Lovers tiff, leaving permanently.
Friday 6th December 2013 3:19 pm
The Nameless Baby
The ghost of the unborn
Knife in hand.
Twisting heart piercing
Hurt until death,
Black gothic, silver ringlets
To no avail.
Ears that will always hear
A lost child’s cry.
Youths payback time
Uninformed decisions.
Mothers ruin
Drink it down.
Don’t cry someone will see.
Career girl.
Care free girl
She knows now.
Where was Mother
Holding back God.
It’s for the best
Work and car...
Friday 6th December 2013 3:11 pm
Waiting to Fly
A thousand miles
Flying wings tremble.
Fiery, weaving, dancing
Healed wing.
Circling no more
Destination true.
Gliding, pulsating
To my arms.
To Cyprus Isle
Waiting lovers heart.
Destiny sure
Love pure, true, yours’.
Unsure, think
Read the lines.
Here I am
Waiting, anticipating.
Sitting in terminal
Is this right?
Am I a fool, doubt natural
Love awaits, courage.
Hearts can u...
Friday 6th December 2013 2:51 am
Cyprus Today
Mortar of bile
Pestle of boot.
Greek and
Hatred and
Of beauty.
Of Mosque.
And Church
Lost and gone
Replaced by.
Corruption of Law
Church and soul.
No longer
Stealing sheep.
Or Goat
Stealing pensions.
Property by guile
Constitution ignored.
Laws overridden
Disguised by
Banks and pr...
Wednesday 4th December 2013 2:11 pm
North Cyprus Advocates
Why silent you advocates
Anxiety must burden.
In your happy hours
Spending your monies.
‘Tis not us
You cry.
Water does not ripple
Without a breeze.
The wind carries the message
Groaning it’s truth.
Besmirching your reputation
Exposing your callousness.
Heralding your practice
Of assisting rogues.
To rob and steal
Property fairly purchased.
A gale soon comes
Wind of negligen...
Wednesday 4th December 2013 1:55 pm
How I tumbled into it
I do not know.
A strange, soft place
Sweet and warm.
Alone, spinning
Tumbling neither up nor down.
I see a sign, April it says
Catch the hand, be quick.
No bat nor newt or frog
Inhabit this place.
Just me, I see a light
A very small light.
A small cry
Is that the echo of me.
Listening hearing, 'It's me'
The light, the love
Tumbling closer, together.
Wednesday 4th December 2013 1:40 pm
Internet Dating
Have we transcended
Broken some rule.
Disturbed the harmony
Disrupted the Universe.
Stopped time, changed
Set a trend.
Broken the mould
Found a new way to send love.
Universe opened
Doors, tunnels.
Way in for lost souls
Stuck in the waiting room.
Waiting to find
A similar heart, perfect match.
Is it a key or latch
We are in and we will stay.
Giving comfort and succour
Lift eac...
Tuesday 3rd December 2013 2:47 pm
The Fairy
I looked under every leaf
Today for the fairy.
Who must be here
Teaching me love.
To write to you
Poetry and verse.
From the heart
My very core.
Where could she be
Hiding so cleverly.
Darting from bloom
To bloom, flowery.
I want to speak
To her asking for.
More magic
Never let it stop.
Bring her to me
Safely alighting.
I feel her wings
During the night.
Fanning my dreams
Tuesday 3rd December 2013 2:43 pm
The friend that was
Ozzie (His favourite saying was 'Money talks, Bullshit walks)
My friend
Trapped twixt two worlds.
Cypriot Village life
East London.
Honest, open direct
Loud, profane.
F and Bs punctuated by
Random spitting of phlegm.
A gentleman
Not confident.
Nor educated
Not intelligent he says.
Speaks three languages
Generous to a fault
What you see is what you get.
Sunday 1st December 2013 1:23 pm
One Star
I Thought of you and who you lost
Not for jealous purpose.
But to admire and applaud
What you were, so in love.
He was a very privileged man
You a privileged woman.
How time is short
Changing time, love lost, but.
Love never dies as lovers do
It remains the same, golden.
Pervading, ebbing and flowing
Through time and space.
Like the tide on the shore
Pleasing memory, hurting.
It is...
Sunday 1st December 2013 3:30 am
The Cart
Inspired by the cart on the patio at Carob Cottage, Ilgaz, North Cyprus
The Cart
Broken down cart
Ornamental on patio.
Past cargo
Hay, grain, carob and olives.
Cypriot Wagoner
Long gone.
Donkey or horse
Living engine, now dead.
Journeying here
Pulling there.
Carter whistling
Sometime singing.
Folk songs of old
Clip, clop beat the hooves.
Rattling chains
Rubbing hames.
Sunday 1st December 2013 3:12 am
Bye your Side
I forgot to send a poem
Writing to her today
I was carried away.
Forgot the poem
Not the love.
Reaching out
Spirits entwined.
Instantly transported
A thousand miles.
By your side
Watching you this morning
In my mind’s eye.
Rising gently
I turn my back.
While you bathe and dress
I smell your womanly warmth.
Involuntary shudder
You sense that I am there.
A smile rew...
Sunday 1st December 2013 3:06 am
Carob Cottage
My memory of when I lived in Ilgaz and spent a relaxing year at Carob Cottage.
Mountain peaks
Rising Sun.
Trumpeting flower
Fanfare to lizard.
Magpie, Pigeon
Hooded crow.
Pine and Olive
With Carob grow.
Owl starred night
Venus shining.
Isle of love
Thoughts cascading.
Near to God
Allah too.
Dream time soon
Magic carpet.
Soothing mind
Stress free.
Quietly watching
Fox an...
Sunday 1st December 2013 2:58 am
From the 'Wings' series
They announce the occasion
White for the virgin.
Black for death
Red for love.
Pink for a girl
Blue for a boy.
The loudest colour of all
Embarrassed cheek of girl or boy.
We have had them all
Confetti in our lives.
Throw me red rose petals
Shower me with love.
Spray me with your rainbow
Dazzle me with your spectrum.
No need for pots of gold at the en...
Saturday 30th November 2013 8:04 pm
My observation of a man and my thoughts on how war affected him.
Tapping cigarette packet.
Casting imaginary incense
Praying that the past.
Will not come back
What did he see.
What does he feel
Mind blocked
Wandering, torn spirit
Thinking of the dead.
He was found under
A pile of bodies.
Darkened liquid terror
Voices of killers.
Smell of blood
Lie still, survive.
Saturday 30th November 2013 7:58 pm
The Pearl
From the 'Wings' series
Dark ocean deep
Oyster clamped fast.
Imprisoned pearl
Holding breath swim
Upward shell in hand.
Blade struck Sunshine
Polish with a kiss.
No gold rich enough
Can fashion a mount.
For such shape divine
Lustre and Opaque.
Shining light
Shimmering wing.
In heart my forever.
Thrown high in the night
The pearl.
The moon shining lig...
Saturday 30th November 2013 7:53 pm
A New Day is Dawning
Continuing the 'Wings' series
A new day is dawning
To learn and embrace.
Soul mates have met
Connection of spirit and love.
New photographs to take
Emotion to explore.
Allowed to live again as one
We will be whole again.
If time was wood
It could be carved to suit.
If time was smoke
It would disappear.
Time moves slowly
When you are not here.
When you are here
It will stan...
Saturday 30th November 2013 7:51 pm
Keep them furled
A follow on from 'Wings'
Keep them furled round my body
Around and in my heart.
Softness of down
Piercing my mind.
Forever and forever
We are fated.
Drawn to this
We are made as one.
No chanting,
Mantra, Hari Krishna bell.
Third eye, Cross or Mosque
We are chosen by each other.
Childlike we are
Young and aged alike.
We know we love
Salvation from hurt.
Removed from lonelines...
Saturday 30th November 2013 7:47 pm
My first poem, written in the mountains in Northern Cyprus.
With one wing he
The evening gently with her.
She did not see, but I think felt
The warm air change;
Did not see, but knew
Her wing was healing.
Guessing his hands and heart moved
Weaving the scented air.
Flying in circles
Through owl starred night.
Cannot see but feels her
Smiling, moving warm air.
Gliding on the ai...
Saturday 30th November 2013 4:12 pm
Where is it from
How does it come.
Let it flow
From heart to.
Magic of brain
Scribbled on paper.
Not an engine
Never false.
Tapping keys
Think of love.
Of humanity
And experience.
Arriving from a fountain
Mysterious and pure.
Symbiotic composition
Without conscious thought.
Honeyed words
But not too sweet.
Syrup disrupts reading
Lost in the goo.
Write no...
Tuesday 19th November 2013 11:21 pm
African Princess
African Princess
She came from
The Mountains of the Moon.
Royal Blood pulsing
Through her veins.
Regal bearing
An African Princess soon to be a Queen.
What say you now
No escort of Zulu warrior
Needing no protection.
A thousand attendants
Keening in the background.
Magical polished ebony
Skin shimmering in the Sun.
Her smile eclipsing the moon
Teeth of white Ivory.
Tuesday 19th November 2013 12:44 pm
I wrote this after hearing about the suicide of Faqar Yunnis
Throw some acid
Dear, show your love.
For my opinion
My mind.
My scorn for you
Blind me.
Scar me for life
Scar your mind.
Pour it over
My beautiful face.
Let it burn
Because of my voice?
Who encouraged you
Your friend, mother.
Monday 18th November 2013 10:34 am
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