She Chooses
She Chooses
She chooses abstinence
because she won’t risk pregnancy
She chooses abstinence
because she’s not interested
She chooses contraception
because she does not want children
She chooses contraception
because she does not want children yet
She chooses contraception
because she has enough children
...Saturday 25th June 2022 3:55 pm
Hate on Tap
Hate on Tap
Three-word chant
Three-word chant
Three-word chant
Rouse the mob!
Rouse the mob!
Rouse the mob!
Hate on tap
Hate on tap
Hate on tap
Sexist Trump
Racist Trump
Mister Trump:
No more of that
Thursday 18th July 2019 4:29 pm
I’m grumpy: my boy
says I’m menopausal;
I think he’s the causal.
Monday 28th January 2019 2:30 pm
The street light casts a shadow on the bedroom wall through
partly opened curtains and for a moment I see Adolf Hitler
in silhouette and I know it’s my imagination but the truth is, hate
in an orange face scares me.
Monday 25th June 2018 9:21 am
Zimbabwe, November 2017
Zimbabwe, November 2017
I'm not a fan of coups
But if this one ousts Mugabe
Then, woohoo!
Monday 20th November 2017 8:55 am
What We Do
What We Do
For Paul
Writers write and painters paint but artists don’t art
and musicians don’t mu.
Bikers bike and drivers drive, blimps go limp
but coupes don’t coup.
Coiffeurs coif, hairdressers dress hair,
but nail techs don’t nail techs (or perhaps they do).
Fighters fight, professors at times profess
but hatters don’t hat and surgeons don’t surge.
If you w...
Saturday 14th October 2017 2:53 pm
Martin Thinks I'm Catholic
Martin Thinks I’m Catholic
With thanks to Andy N, for suggesting it
My father adored me. He cuddled me in his arms
after my birth and said, Doesn’t she look intelligent, love?
My mother believed I wasted that intelligence raising babies.
I was relieved disappointment had no place in her grateful sigh,
as I arrived at the hospital in time to watch her die.
My brothers consider ...
Wednesday 14th June 2017 10:12 am
I Looked At Evil
Sometimes, there are no words. Yet all I have is words.
I Looked At Evil
I looked at Evil: it wore a suicide vest
My cause is just, it claimed
your murdered children my price
Kill me, and a thousand martyrs fall in behind
You cannot kill me, it smiled
for I am dead by a tug of this cord
You cannot kill me, Evil declared
You cannot buy me off
You canno...
Tuesday 23rd May 2017 10:37 am
On Censorship
Given what's happening in America right now, I suspect it won't be long before the First Amendment begins fighting for its life.
With that in mind, I thought I'd share my most successful poem to date, though it's hardly a poem at all.
It is based on my experience of living in South Africa during Apartheid.
In The Tradition Of The Star
This poem is censored.
I cannot mentio...
Friday 17th March 2017 1:08 pm
Dear Donald Trump
I don't often post on this poetry blog but I feel so strongly about this subject, I had to share it.
Dear Donald Trump
Dear Donald Trump, the thought of you as the next Leader
of the Free World makes me want to hurl.
Has America lost her mind
to even consider a racist, sexist buffoon
who hasn’t the sense to spend a sliver of his tax-free billions
on decent hair...
Friday 14th October 2016 11:40 am
Writing Prompt for Monday
Wednesday 5th November 2014 11:11 am
Food Banks Are Bad
Some Advice From Edwina Currie, Former MP
Don’t give thanks
for local food banks
they encourage
the feckless
the greedy
the emotionally needy
the reckless
the addicts
the idle-by-habits
the drunkards
the hopeless
the gormless
the homeless
the wasters
the smokers
the cheaters
the faceless
the indigent
the immigrants
the lazy
the crazy
the tattooed dog owners
the debtors
Friday 7th February 2014 10:16 pm
I'm a finalist... the Red Cross poetry comp. My poem will appear in their pamphlet, one of twelve. Great news on my birthday :)
Friday 30th September 2011 2:41 pm
My First Solo Recital
On Thursday I gave my first solo recital. You can read all about it here:
It's thanks to Write Out Loud: when I asked the woman who invited me how she had heard of me, she said, 'The poet's website'. This is the only poet's website I'm on.
Thanks, WOL!
It was a great experience, but no...
Saturday 25th June 2011 9:02 pm
Heeding The Call
It started out as a feeling
which then grew into a hope:
the guy at the end of the email
threw me a virtual rope.
I took my car to meet him;
we walked the slippery slope
of internet suicide websites.
Living was out of our scope.
This was inspired by Carry on Tuesday's latest prompt and the recent suicides of a pair of strangers. Critiques welcome.
Monday 27th September 2010 11:23 am
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