The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.


before you everything was one way or another,

everything was either black or white.

suddenly I'm seeing colours for the first time;

I can see variations and something other than tones.

before you it was all a blur;

now I'm able to focus,

see clearer..

suddenly I'm not blind anymore;

I can see everything in its entirety.

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we were both so young,

you and I,

no idea what love was or what it was capable of,

until we found each other.


talking about boys we liked soon turned to constant talk about one another,

linked arms of best friends quickly progressed to hands held like lovers,

break times at school weren't enough to satisfy the craving to be together,

but walks home and hours spent in plac...

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Engulf me

Like tidal waves her beauty hits me,

tsunamis in her eyes.


When I look toward the water,

moments from crashing into me,

I am not afraid.


I do not run for my life.

Because you are my life.


My strength in the centre of stormy seas.

The centre of my world.


So I stand up tall and breath her in, 

I let the water surround me,

feel it as it soaks my sk...

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