The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Palm Sunday

I lately watched your video, a Palm Sunday morning show of you and your wife.

Me, your mistress, now ashes of passionate fires, forbidden fires.

Intention of sin in your ideology.

And then this scene of an innoscent couple, the ones who try to pretent what they aren't.

More on:

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Fill me.

Missing life. Empty streets. Cold hearts.

Covering your face what you once criticised on stranger's faces.


Missing love. Empty hearts. Cold air.

Covering the flowers in your heart, the strings of my guitar.


Missing music. Empty stages. Cold rooms.

Covered ears, listening to scary news, not to music anymore.


Missing passion. Empty beds. Cold skin.

Covering all lu...

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Fever of silence

They all turn into madness.

Fear, the poison, injected too often.

A vaccination to prevent you from optimism,

from being an individual,

from the hope you kept deep inside.

You are infected with gloomy thoughts and panic feelings,

a fever of silence.

Only your own mind can set you free,

let you heal and open your eyes for beauty, kindness

and the hidden truth.



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coronafevermadnesshysterianegativitypositive energybeautyartistsupporthope

The flower in my hand

I hold this flower
In my hand.
Yellow and perfect.
Like European star.
Like my heart
Is bound to this place.
My ear used to different languages,
My nose used to all these smells,
Smells of freedom.
In a continent of so many colours,
Blossoming friendships
And beautiful memories.
I keep this flower alive
As long as I can.
I know it will die
Like the freedom
That leaves us.



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EuropeEU bordershomesadfreedomflowerdiversitytravelling

The end of the world

This is the end of the world we knew. 

Not only my country's borders are closed and those of many others, the whole European borders are closed. Goodbye freedom.

The death day of Europe

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EuropeEUbordersclosedfreedomdeath day


"Someday you have to show me
Your beautiful place"
There is no "someday" anymore,
I wish I could tell you
That this is just a crisis,
A temporary closing.
I wish I could reassure you
About our freedom,
The written words
Would, still be valid,
Named by the city you love in.
Now they all forget
How precious they are,
Behave more like in the pre war,
Greeting Weimar,
100 years ...

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Never againnever forgethistory repeatingclosed bordersfreedom of movementpromisesdemocracy misusedEurope


Please share, like, take your own protest selfie with a poster about our freedom and, freedom of movement. It's important that we fight for it, it's actually in danger. 


Please sign my petition for the freedom of movement. Our rights are in danger now, the EU borders are closed since 16th March 2020

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bordersEUEuropefreedomfreedom of movementopen ordersprotest


Come closer to me my friend.
We will escape this night.
We will run,
We will drive through the night.
We will find a way
To get our freedom back.
And fight for our heratige.
Come my friend wave your flag,
Remember our freedom,
Remember open borders.
Come my friend
Let us kiss when we cross these lines
When we leave these burdens there,
In this old place,
Now in the hands of far right...

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bonny and ClydebordersescapefightFreedomfighterslet's do itroad moviesexy


Come closer to me my friend.
We will escape this night.
We will run,
We will drive through the night.
We will find a way
To get our freedom back.
And fight for our heratige.
Come my friend wave your flag,
Remember our freedom,
Remember open borders.
Come my friend
Let us kiss when we cross these lines
When we leave these burdens there,
In this old place,
Now in the hands of far right...

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Freedomfightersescapefightsexyroad moviebonny and Clydelet's do itborders

Freedom of movement

While out borders are closing, they violate human rights in full. The European freedom of movement is now violated, we are locked in our countries. 

citizen of a state in which that citizen is present has the liberty to travel, reside in, and/or work in any part of the state where one pleases within the limits of respect for the liberty and rights of others,[3] and that a citizen also ha...

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human rightsbordersfreedom of movementEurope

Ghost spring

Ghostly creatures.
Distance, restriction,
Non existing life.
I miss deep kisses
And hands on my body.
I miss warm words
And expression.
Nature goes on,
Blossoming in competition,
Nurture me with sunny spells
On empty train stations. 
Spring in my heart, 
But not in other's hearts. 
I want to explode, 
So full of life. 
Blow all the ghosts away, 
Past shadows of the winter. 

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Music in me.

Music floats
Through my veins,
Brings me back to
What I am.
I sing and sing again
To kill the silence outside.
My songs, directly from my heart,
My hard chords,
A resistance
Of all what's forbidden.
My passion resists
In the middle of sounds
And chaos.

©️ By Magical whispers 

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Corona virusSilencemusichealthresistanceforbiddencancelledmusicianfeelings

Release and cords

After all I fought for?
All these years for nothing.
I see capitulation in their eyes.
The ones who called themselves
Rebels and activists.
Is that me anymore,
Fighting against a whole world,
Stopped by their own panic?
I see my place not here,
Maybe somewhere in space,
Somewhere on another planet
Where "humans" are no sheep
And individuality is normal.
Excluding no...

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Political activismactivisthopelessfighterdreams

Fear is the real virus.

Who will close the last door?
A virus brings you in prison.
But fear is the real disease,
Panic and Hysteria 
Cause all the symptoms.
It gives the powerful more power
And the lonely ones
More loneliness.
Isolation is not healthy,
Fears just make us sick.
Go out and live,
Don't read the news
And you will stay healthy.

©️ By Magical whispers 

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I don't like your colour,
Can't hear your noise
You cover streets in winter,
Keep my heart there,
In grey lands.
Let rivers overflow
And my heart sinking 
Into colourless melancholy. 
I want to be
At a sunny place.
I want to feel the golden light
And warmth on my skin.

©️ By Magical whispers 

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Ruler of fluids

Moon, silent ruler. 
Everything is drawn to you. 
Everything tells me
I belong to you. 
This piece of a stone, 
A small ball. 
But gravity pulls you
And you pull me
With magnetic ribbons.
Tonight my body is yours, 
Silver master
Of shadows and light. 

©️ By Magical whispers 

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Moonfluidsfull moongravitypullwomen

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