The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Darkness

Darkness, something as a child we learned to fear. 

I would call my mom into my room to check for monsters in my closet or under my bed but, I soon realized the monsters weren’t under my bed or in my closet they were laying next to me in my bed. 

I reach for you for safety and you weren’t there, you left me in the dark searching for a new monster to comfort me while I slept in the pitch bla...

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If mountains could talk we

would know the secrets to the world. 

if mountainous could talk.

we would know who is right and who is wrong in the end.

But what if they could talk would we listen, because they do tell us everything we need to know and because we don't listen it will be our damn nation and

you don't listen either.

Didn't you hear me... 

I told you I miss you  



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The things in the bottom of my purse

The things I throw at the bottom of my purse I will never find again, I wish I could throw you in the bottom of my purse but instead, I will throw chapsticks and receipts, but you are something I wish I would never find again. When I clean out my purse I will find recipes from when we went to dinner or love letters you would write me and I will change my purse and I won't find love letters or smel...

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