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The fox was hungry, so went to grapevine,

thinking, it will be, a feasty dine,

went there, and jumped and jumped,

and tried to catch till it was nine.

She failed and roared in thunder voice,

grapes were sour and full of noise,

not they but I am rejecting them,

as an eater its my choice.

And this story resounds with we all,

making excuses when we fall,

but what if it w...

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When the one in front, hates you,

try to entrap you in every trap sew.

Is cruel, greedy and selfish bimbo,

Will you take the plunge in limbo?

Will you go against the waters new?

Can you love them, despite they hate you?

They fool you by being good in front,

but at the back, you know the venom grunt.

Arrogant, fraud, swindellers they are,

taking all your peace so far.


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Fortunes were raining, as you got this shape,

Isn't it a gift, precious and generous one?

Then why is the restlessness going against nature?

To become what you are not and forget who you are?

Is it to compete with world?

Busy comparing and trapping yourself, between the best and worst,

Can the moon and sun or water and fire be compared?

They have their own nature with pinch of...

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When justice remain unserved,

and welfare remain unreached,

and policies remain absurd,

my society bleeds,

and my heart cries.

When politicians become gods,

and bureaucrats become politicians,

and judges become tyrants,

my country bleeds,

and my heart cries.

When my countrymen are dilluded,

and those in power are opportunist,

and nationalism surpasses humanity,


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Two worlds were evolving within,

slowly, meticulously and thoughtfully.

One was showing the unwanted reality,

and the other, was the desired world,

like a sky for a bird,

testifying freedom, infinity and vibrant display,

or like an ocean for the water,

screaming joy, liveliness and its true nature.

And everytime the mirror comes before,

its like a thunderbolt, shocked an...

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Those benches, remind me of harshness,

when she used to flaunt her intellect,

and he unable to digest her grace,

was full of doubt, fury and tact.

Hardly he would have known,

that she will teach him to smile,

and the ways to live a happy life,

peaceful, joyous and prosperous one.

And hardly she would have known,

that after giving her all to him,

the only thing which s...

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New leaves have started spurting,

on a brown dead timber membrane,

rejoicing with new life, new blood, new veins,

but reality still remain in its mind arcane.

Thoughts, that although I am bright green today,

better than fellow cells and all visible green,

but will these joyous days will be forever?

and will I still be the best at all beauty seen?

Regaining conciousness is t...

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Someday in future,

I want we three to reunite,

indulge in silly mischiefs,

and again in those breathtaking fight.

Let's wander around the world,

with gushy hand in hand,

and dance beside the nearby road,

or sing in some live band.

we will play with snow,

when there will be snow fall,

and will trek around the hills,

amidst the timber so tall.

Let's meet next wint...

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When you are locked up in a room,

with a vow to end the doom,

and you fell inside deeper,

cent far from graceful bloom.

Although you have a vision,

dilluded and without reason,

for which you remain indifferent,

despite changing season.

You are dying to see the light,

and indulge in jittery fight,

no wonder it will be when,

when you will see the lively sight.

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Sun will rise,

and I will get up at six,

one hour cycling,

to make my day fix.

I will cook for an hour,

and will get ready by nine,

will commute for an hour,

to reach my office line.

My office is in cultural centre,

so I will peep there in break,

will get inspired,

for my own happiness sake.

I will be back by seven,

then zumba for an hour,

will have dinner...

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You came in my garden,

when I was blooming,

I spotted light on you,

leading our sparks zooming.

You acted like shade,

on the days of sunshine,

and like an umbrella,

at every rainy time.

You gave me joy,

and I continue to bloom,

you gave me hope,

everytime I was doom.

But now i realize,

you were like a weed,

taking away nutrients,

out of your deed.


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Aren't you lucky?

you have hands.

There are people,

who can't hold sands.

Don't let those duo,

turn against good,

let them be

needy's robinhood.

You can have all

those stars and light

you can have that

villa best facing sight.

But all that is dry,

if you favouring the vile,

life is only meaningful,

by making people smile!

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When I will sleep tonight,

hustling with my dreams,

will you come like a knight,

hearing my screams?

Will you hold my hand,

and calm me down,

like a slipping sand,

will you take me to your town?

A wonderland,

without prejudices and beliefs,

will you bend,

to turn my reefs?

Will you make me fly,

and set me free?

Will you take me to the sky,

and make my l...

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Will you ever stop for a second,

turning off all lights beckoned,

and jump to celebrate,

for the heart which vibrate,

and that smiling breath,

which is unafraid of death,

taking inside the air,

rushing quick like hare,

due to peppy dance moves,

which make body grooves,

and sweating out skin,

making every cell grin,

And then that second passes by,

realising th...

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It's no matter how low you are,

blown from your goal so far,

vanished are the hopes, so is the joy,

and failure thoughts make you destroy,

Then just pose for a second, and contemplate,

losing conciousness of before-after slate,

believe power is in now and in it your fate.


I know there are sweaty days,

accept your defeat, that's what they says,

pushing and kicking am...

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Heightened you have achieve,

and claiming the climax peak,

but it is the thing you don't seek,

Is that glory worth it?

All bow in front of you,

and all knows you are who,

except you, who feels like zoo,

Is that greatness worth it?

All says you are star in sky,

and fearless bird who knows to fly,

but deep inside your heart cry,

Is that success worth it?

Trade off...

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There come storm one day,

and uprooted all my beliefs and say.

What is it I am trying to seek?

and who has given it power to make me freak?

All my hard work and my pain,

has once again gone in drain.

All out are going crazy to see who I am,

but fail to see what I am going through damn.

I nomore have instructions to give to my mind,

who knows what next is going to upwind?


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All are told to be the best,

to exhale more and expand the chest,

all is well till they won,

one failure leave mind to test.

And this can be disastrous for tender mind,

remaining lack will tend to find,

all negative feels will sprout out,

and that arrogance will make you bind.

But its high time to realise,

life is not a mere dice,

it's accepting both vice and virtue,


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When my existence was in silence,

like a latent seed,

this world just wanted a baby,

a baby to feed.

And I came as sunshine,

in their little beautiful world,

but then they want tubelight,

to make their breath unfurled.

Then they expect me to be path breaker,

and I became one,

next task was feuding crack,

which I cracked none.

But still toiling hard to achieve,


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Where am I (present me)?

where are you (desired me)?

seeking for many years,

and working hard too.

Are you that hard

or proving your worth?

But you must know,

you don't have any dearth.

Road has become shabby,

and uncertain too,

time has been wasted,

in a near cornered loo.

But optimism remains reckless,

even in this strange time,

you remain my goal,


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Stars are many, moon remains one

My only mistake was, 

I thought you as a moon

Amidst the million Stars, 

I misunderstood 

But we were already that far, 

Closeness was just of periphery 

And not the core, 

But foolish me understood 

It as josephine kind sore, 

If it would have touched your feather

It would never go as it went, 

From the very beginning you signal...

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MY universe is limited, I want it to expand,

expand it with little sky, and an inch more land.

Oh atom! give me a kick, and let vibration start,

let the pious frequency, reach my heart.

Let the frequency, syncronize with nature,

with the free flowing wind, and green horn creature.

From chilled pole caps, to the flowing brooks,

all will be testimony, of these wonderful looks.


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Agressive was the proclamation,

a few seconds back,

and today amidst the dark clouds,

all i can find is lack.

Despite ton of hard core labour,

Am back to square one,

the only thing for which i am thirsty,

is fruit of toil some.

Days have past, years have gone,

all have become testimony of change,

but one thing which remains alike,

is my matter and vicinity range.


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