The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Thursday, Pt.2

The Prelude to the weekend

where people drink till the wee hours of the night

hoping to finally take flight away from the stress of the past three days.

Knowing that these moments never last forever

that is why families stay tighter than leather.

fly under any weather.

Distance is obsolete when it comes to this family

varying directions we may be in our lives,

yet when we r...

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Day In/Day Out

The time of labor start once one clocks in

as the money is important for survival.

Better to have it than being flat broke.

Despite what those on the outside peeping in may say,

this man right here isn't flipping patties for nothing.

For he longs to return to his life back home,

which ran smooth like molasses

then snapped in half like a pair of glasses.

As the infallible re...

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motivationpoetryreal liferedemption


Forging of firmness in frail frigate

Unision is unlikely to happen

Cranky & cruel words spew at will

Kicking down walls of decency and etiquette

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On this very night

come friends old and new

laughing on the past.

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night outpoetryhappinessfriendship


           The dusk before the dawn

            When folks drink till they black out.

            spazz out, whatever comes first.

            Can't explain it, a nite like this has this feeling

             which only comes around on this rare occasion.

            Prelude to Friday and Saturday, memories

           don't easily fade away.


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Fun poetry thursday nightlife happiness

Belong To You

When, whatever you want

I'm here for you, always near

In any circumstance.

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My Heart

When I had first laid eyes on you days after we first met

I felt i had finally found someone I could call my own.

Knew you were different than the other women.

As months went on, I'd grown to appreciate everything about you

from your radiant smile that lights up my day

to your warm embrace when our bodies become one.

As well as your bubbly sense of humor.

It shouldn't be hard ...

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lovepoetryromantic poems

Gone Till April

Hope I make the most of my gifts. 

I'd be damned if I stayed the same person I was a year ago

Willing to work for mine, fuck a handout.

Whether it be a full-time nine to five or freelance, I'm gunning

for the top where I oughta be.

Not a rapper, just a brother presenting a gift for the world to see

possibly change someone's life.

All I want is for my family and my girlfriend t...

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