The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

As I Progress Through Life

As I progress through this thing called life,

I detach more and more from strife.

I rejoice in simple pleasures taught,

Because I fill my heart with love sought.


I still my mind and meditate,

Searching the universe in an ethereal state.

The peace I gain keeps me balanced and sane,

Ascending above this mortal plain.


The more I learn about this station,

The more ...

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my lifelifelife's reflection

Twin Flame

The oceans blue depth is clear,

Every time you are near.

It’s the depth of my emotion,

As deep as the deepest ocean.


Your souls light shines blue,

As if you’re a brand new you.

Your thoughts are becoming clear,

Every time you come near.


This connection will never be broken,

It will last forever my dear.

For there is an answer and it is clear,

Our twin fla...

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