The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Me But Not Me

I thought I was strong

When I came across you

Lying dead in a car

And a crowd looking on


I thought I would say

‘Out of the way

she needs CPR’

I thought I would say

'Let me have a go'


I thought I would

Step up to the plate

Be calm and collected

And bring you back,

Let you fight fate


You looked so fine

No mark, just slumped

Eyes closed, ...

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It’s the end of the day, the work is done

My home sucks me in with warm moist air and protection from all that is undone

The keys clack down on the table, my coat sways to settle still on the peg

Muffled voices and giggles and knocks and clangs come from behind doors and down stairs

And from here and there then become sharper as my presence becomes known to the throng

The telly spit...

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Paws and snouts and whiskers and drool

And muscle and fur and eyes so sharp, kind and cruel

And light and strong and high in their jump

And eager and always hungry and always looking for more

And sleek and shiny and fast and then still

And smelling and sniffing and pushing and tearing


Playful and wanting and watching and rolling

And laying and nestling and warm and smelly


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