The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

Time Will Tell

Is it really a new beginning?

Or just a start to another finish.

I suppose it could be a way to a means.

Or a means to an end.

Or maybe just an ending to another new beginning…

Only time will tell.

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Lovelove lostchangespoetry

One Last Time


Seashells and wave echoes

swirled and laughed in the emptiness behind my eyes.

But now I have let them go, sent them away,

unlocked the door and set them free.

The remaining empty space is vast, but quiet, and soft.

Yet never truly empty despite my best efforts

for when I’m not looking, the wave echoes return to roll around the edges of my inner space

once again.

They ...

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Up Close

Who is he?

This man I only know up close?

Does he know me? And if so, 

who is this woman, this me he knows?

We have an odd situation, he and I, like a fantasy played out on a stage,

a performance, a curtain call and

then done.

I know the up-close, the heat, the physical

yet when I see him from a cool distance, 

I don't know him.

He becomes someone else with someone el...

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poetrylove poetry

They Are Everywhere

They sit in piles on my bureau,

stacks on end tables and desktops.

They stand in rows on shelves and are silent.

Each holding its own unique secrets.

I can hear their silent words, and

feel their thoughs pushing against their covers.

They wait and are patient.

A wealth of knowledge standing by

always steady in their thoughts, never changing their minds,

dependable and st...

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June's warm daylight comes

My thoughts of him linger on

June's nights are lonely

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I Can't

All is peaceful and still and then, in the back of my mind

It begins.


It travels like a wave, slipping silent over my head and

Around my heart where it stays and waits.


But for what does it wait and for how long will its

Patience last before it leaves me for good?


In spite of these uncertainties and my fear of its leaving again,

I still welcome its coming.



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Sunrise Lover


Sunrise lover from

Soft, warm darkness.

Light filters in at sunrise and

Rises from the floor and spreads to the ceiling.

As the room brightens, his form slowly comes into being,

Emerging from the rumpled pile of bedclothes.

Smooth, soft, dark and lovely.

I lie with him, my face resting against his.

In the half light I can just make out

His eyelashes, resting on hi...

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